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Iowa Darters

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#1 Guest_factnfiction101_*

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Posted 17 July 2008 - 02:17 PM

I plan on ordering some from BTdarters, and I was wondering how they differ from other types of darters? On BTdarters site it says that Iowa darters are a little territorial, I was wondering how much so? Are they territorial to their own species or all fish (1 male 2 females?)? Would they be good with other darters, or would it be best for them to have their own tank?

I've kept 5 rainbow darters for a year now if that helps.

#2 Guest_topminnow_*

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Posted 17 July 2008 - 04:23 PM

I'm not sure where 'BT' collects his Iowa Darters but I've sampled them from streams, ditches, lakes, puddles... Iowas from streams require a different 'setup' than ones found in lakes. For example, if 'BT's' obtaining these fish from lakes, a large power head would be unnecessary. The HOB filter you have lying around would be much more appropriate.

IMO, aquariums twenty gallons or larger work well for adults fish. Iowa darters aren't very aggressive however, they enjoy space for swimming. They can be kept with most darters and minnows although they're more enjoyable when mixed with minnows or killifish.

#3 Guest_BTDarters_*

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Posted 18 July 2008 - 04:11 AM


"BT" here to answer your questions. The main difference between Iowa Darter and many other darters is thier tolerance (and some might say "preference") for lower-flow aquarium conditions. They are a pretty fish and their territoriality is minor. They will sometimes "nudge" other darters if they feel that the other darter is invading their territory. This aggression is not enough to prevent you from keeping Iowa Darters with other darters, or other fish. It is just a little quirk of theirs. Also, this territoriality is not species-specific. They just like to nudge other fish sometimes.

Another quirk of the Iowas is that in spite of their territoriality, they can be shy fish, hiding among plants or rockwork at times. This may sound confusing. How can they be territorial and shy?? Well, somehow they manage to pull it off. So a tank set up for them should have plenty of hiding spaces.

Below, I have attached my care sheet that I ship out with the Iowa Darters. Hope this helps. If you have any more questions, just let me know!

Attached File  darter_iowa_care.pdf   113.35KB   30 downloads

#4 Guest_factnfiction101_*

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Posted 19 July 2008 - 02:08 AM

You beat me to sending you a pm. Thanks for the help; I'll send you a pm today sometime.

#5 Guest_BTDarters_*

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Posted 19 July 2008 - 03:31 AM

Sounds good!


Brian J. Torreano - Owner
American Native Fish for
your aquarium...and more!
Web: http://www.btdarters.com
Phone: (262) 268-7489

You beat me to sending you a pm. Thanks for the help; I'll send you a pm today sometime.

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