Food for Mudminnows?
Posted 02 August 2008 - 03:54 PM
Posted 14 August 2008 - 07:02 AM
Posted 15 August 2008 - 08:26 AM
Both these are the best prepared foods I have found to get most fish onto prepared foods. If you are feeding earthworms, you can wipe some of the worm slime on the pellets to get the fish interested in eating them, it might do the trick. Haveing some dace in with them that show them they can eat the pellets can work too.
Posted 09 January 2009 - 06:42 PM
take them home and drop them in one by one near a mudminnow.
the mudminnows go nose down on the invert. and their bodies take on an S curve shape and they wait for movement, then they hammer it.
my mudminnows really like scuds and stonefly nymphs. anything that is small enough, and moves around on the bottom is fair game for mudminnows.
Posted 10 January 2009 - 11:18 AM
go to a nearby stream with a good sized, study, fine mesh net and find places in the stream where lots of leaves have collected. take the net and scoop up the leaves, and get a good bit of sand/mud/gravel in the net too. dump it on clear spot on shore and pick thru it with a stick. have tweezers ready or use your finger to pick out any of the creepy crawlies in there (probably going to be mostly scuds and various insect larvae) and put these invertebrates in a cup full of water.
take them home and drop them in one by one near a mudminnow.
the mudminnows go nose down on the invert. and their bodies take on an S curve shape and they wait for movement, then they hammer it.
my mudminnows really like scuds and stonefly nymphs. anything that is small enough, and moves around on the bottom is fair game for mudminnows.
Excellent advice!
A more efficient way to harvest the scuds is to put the wads of leaves and plants in a regular aquarium net and suspend it over a bucket of clean water. As the weeds start to dry, the scuds go downward and will pass through the net and fall into the bucket.
Mine eat any and all live food they can catch and swallow but scuds seem to be their favorite. They get really excited when the see one.
Mine also eat any frozen meaty foods as well but have never taken any pellets.
Last season I fattened up and conditioned a pair for breeding by feeding lots of chopped night crawlers. Seems the worms are full of whatever they need to get nice and fat and sassy.
Posted 10 January 2009 - 12:40 PM
A more efficient way to harvest the scuds is to put the wads of leaves and plants in a regular aquarium net and suspend it over a bucket of clean water. As the weeds start to dry, the scuds go downward and will pass through the net and fall into the bucket.
i'll have to give that a try!
Posted 10 January 2009 - 10:08 PM
i just dropped a 6" worm that i just got off my driveway in front of my 3" mudminnow, and he just attacked the thing. he grabbed the tail and started shaking it violently, just like a pike or shark or something. he'd swallow it a little bit at a time, head shaking it to death during the whole process. the worm was wiggling like crazy during the whole thing. it was very violent very awesome. i'll video it next time.
this picture shows the bulge in his stomach afterwards

Edited by dsaavedra, 10 January 2009 - 10:29 PM.
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