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Emerald Darter

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#1 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 10 November 2008 - 08:02 PM

Does anyone know the average life span of an Emerald Darter? Also, what is the adult size of an Emerald Darter?

The reason I ask is I had one Emerald, and I found it dead today. Up until today, it seemed healthy, happy, etc... I'm worried that this could be a sign of things to come in my tank. It worries me that an established fish for several months died. I just really hope there isn't a problem in the tank.

RIP Emerald Darter
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#2 Guest_ashtonmj_*

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Posted 10 November 2008 - 08:43 PM

Most darters typically live 2-3 years in the wild, the exception being some that only live one and others 4+. Josh I think many of us will agree that even with good captive care sometimes things just die. Natural mortality in darters is high. Often 60-80% of a new year class will not make it to their second year. I and certainly many others have experienced mass die offs for no apparent reason, the typical death around6-12 months, and the other fish that won't seem to die no matter what. There are also always exceptions, both in the wild and in captivity. I've seen a redfin darter that was 5 years old. I've know of killies and pygmy sunfishes to outlive their usual expectancies.

#3 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 11 November 2008 - 08:31 AM

I was a little sad over this death. This emerald was really friendly, and was always right in your face when you're at the tank, it was one of my favorites. Also, I collected that fish in a place where the population is falling (upper Cumberland, above the falls), and I was happy to have found it there.

However, I'm more concerned with the overall health of the tank. It just worries me that there could be a problem I'm unaware of. Every other fish seems healthy, but so did that one.

I did a 10% water change last night and added Salt and Melafix. I'll probably do another water change on Wednesday/Thursday to be safe.

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