I'm also checkin with folks about Symmes and Raccoon Creeks in Ohio. Sounds like there's a long legacy of mine seepage, so they may not make good reps.
So my glaciated reps will be Darby, Paint, Kokosing, Little Miami, Mad. Unglaciated for sure is Little Muskie, Little Kanawah, Licking (KY). Just gotta find those last two. I am hoping that Tygarts and Raccoon work out, as they have a similar drainage, and guages at about the same point in the drainages, to make these rivers as much of replicates as possible.
Probably look at longitudinal zonation in the Little Miami, Darby and Kokosing/Waldhonding.
And I think that's about enough drivin' around without major funding and definately after my NSF GK-12 Fellowship is over
