I've been into tropical fish for a while, and I've just started reading about natives over the last few days. I really like rainbow darters and I'm considering setting up a tank for some in the future.
I've read that a 10 or 15 gallon would be sufficient for them, is this correct? Also, if I wanted to set up a biotope tank, what are some species that could share a tank of that size, and that would be found in the same habitat as the darters?
Also, just to get me excited, what are your favorite things about keeping darters?
I'd go with the 15 minimum if you want other fish as well, or even a twenty long would be better. But with the 15 g you could have a couple pair of rainbow darters, a trio of fantails, a trio of blacknose dace and a trio of longnose dace. Make it a stream tank and the fish will love it and so will you. The darters are the puppies of the fish world they quickly become tame and recognise the person that feeds them and are often looking out watching you. In a tank with a decent flow it's really fun to watch them feed beating their prey by using the flow to their advantage. Depending on your location or willingness to buy they also offer a great variety of colors. Redlines, snubnose, bluebreast, bandeds, orangethroats the list of small colorful darters is seemingly endless. You may want to go with a bigger tank

The dace are active easy to care for fish and fun to watch, longnose have always been one of my favorites. If you go to a bigger tank with some sand in the substrate you can add a northern hogsucker, some central stonerollers and more darters like a few small logperch.
Edited by keepnatives, 20 March 2009 - 06:25 PM.