First let me preface this by stating that I know brown trout are non-native to the united states but I was curious if anyone has seen anything like this before. I caught this fish from a creek in south eastern pa that isn't stocked and has all wild trout in it. The front half of the fish seems normal if not slightly elongated but the rear half is extremely compressed.
Could this have been from an early injury at a very young age or was this fish probably deformed at birth? He seemed to swim with more of an s shape than I am used to seeing. Any thoughts?
Here is an example of a normal looking healthy fish from the same creek.
a strange looking trout
Started by
, Dec 19 2009 10:29 PM
5 replies to this topic
#1 Guest_bart_*
Posted 19 December 2009 - 10:29 PM
#2 Guest_centrarchid_*
Posted 19 December 2009 - 10:38 PM
Fish exhibits scoliosis, possibly with some lordosis. Likely early in development (embryo, sac-fry, fry) either some vertebrae failed to form normaly or became fused. Disease, water quality, injury, and poor nutrition (individual or mothers) could all have been involved. Genetics could also be a factor.
#3 Guest_FirstChAoS_*
Posted 20 December 2009 - 01:37 AM
How did non native trout get in a stream that isn't stocked? I wonder if fisherman caught them in one water body and released them their, or if it flows into a stocked water body.
#4 Guest_bart_*
Posted 20 December 2009 - 02:22 AM
When I say it's not stocked, the fish in this creek are descendants of fish that were stocked years and years ago. I stated that because I found it interesting that this fish was able to survive from egg to larva to adult in the wild despite being malformed. This would be very different if this fish was stocked as an adult. Brown trout were introduced to the united states from german and scottish stocks in the 19th century.
#5 Guest_hmt321_*
Posted 20 December 2009 - 08:24 AM
I have caught large mouth bass that had similar disfigurement to its tail, i have pictures somewhere. I thought it was from being attacked when it was a fingerling.
#6 Guest_logan_*
Posted 22 December 2009 - 06:00 PM
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