I finally got around to assembling some footage we took of a spawning Cyprinids in central Kentucky a two seasons ago. Well, maybe not actually spawning, more like establishing dominance among the males. We didn't see any actual spawning. However, the event was curious, as typically the minnows are parasitizing the nests of Nocomis chubs. However, this is a scour, presumably left by spawning Moxostoma suckers. And it looks a little something like this:
spawning_cluster_sm.jpg 121.79KB 10 downloads
Photo by Jeff Grabarkiewicz
The video is found here:
Anyway, there's some footage at first for fun and so you can see how little the fish care that we're there. You can kind of see the ball from the surface, the scour is the dark spot right upstream of the snorkelers. In order of appearance are Casper Cox, Jeff Grabarkiewicz, Justin Selden, Phil Mathias and Philip Kukulski. Sorry Nathan, the footage following your appearance fell to the cutting room floor
For a full recount of this trip, hop on over here:
Edited by farmertodd, 20 January 2010 - 09:10 AM.