I got soem nice fine gravel/course sand from along the Kokosing river and then I collected a bunch of driftwood also along the Kokosing River and added some American Vals to the tank. I got two 4ft double bulb T-5 light fixtures and set them on the top of the tank. I intended to build a canopy to house the lights but I didn't get around to that right away...

Finally last week I got around to putting together a canopy to house the lights and call this tank finished...

The tank currently has 20 occupants 14 of them are sunfish (8 of the 12 lepomis species included, missing the largest two and the smallest two), 5 catfish, and a longnose gar. Here are some current photos of some of the fish...

And lastly I have also greatly expanded the capacity of the fish room over the last year as well which will allow me to hopefuly offer some new species for sale in the future. Not any more tanks but just filled the space better, a lot of the 29 and even a couple 40's were replaced with 75 gallon tanks and on the top shelves all of the 10's and 20's were replaced with some custom built 40 gallon tanks that are 30 x 24 and 12" high. These have been great for housing a lot more fish and filling the available space I have.