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DIY Forum/Sub-Forum

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#21 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 13 February 2010 - 11:10 PM

I think we need a subforum for discussing why or why not the Admins should create more subforums :-)

I don't always agree with what the forum Administrators and Moderators do or say, but they are the ones doing the work, and they are tasked with protecting NANFA's reputation and keeping this forum an agreeable place for us average fish heads. Also for providing a money-back guarantee! I tried to start my own unofficial NANFA forum where anything goes, and nobody went. So it appears people prefer this format. And it IS a good one. I therefore mostly refrain from complaining about stuff. Mostly :-)

#22 Guest_Jim_*

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 02:21 PM

After being here awhile, and fighting some things tooth and nail, and being carefully and caringly, brought to the point that i am now (which is NOT Banned lol) Ive learned that This Forum is what it was founded to be. It will Never be everything to everyone, and was not intended to be. You have to understand that and learn to adapt to the laws of the land. I see it as no different than when i go to Martins house and start kicking his dog, or using his best fishin pole for a pry-bar. He throws this God Awful fit and i have to abide by his rules since after all it is his house. If you go with the flow, there is lots to learn here, and if i decide i have to be a pain in the rump, i go elsewhere, and low and behold everything stays pleasant. Posted Image

#23 Guest_gzeiger_*

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 04:29 PM

I spent a good deal of time last year wading through the DIY forums at aquariumadvice, aquariacentral and monsterfiskeepers while I was trying to figure out how to go about making a larger capacity filter. Overall my impression was that these forums were poorly organized as a result of being categorized as "DIY" rather than by actual topic. The result was that lots of unrelated stuff got lumped together just because it was stuff you couldn't buy at the store. It makes a lot more sense to me to organize it as it currently is, as collecting gear, photography, captive care, etc. Their DIY forums are about 50% topics about making reef overflows and 40% CO2 reactors. I would rather search for info on filters, for example, in one place and be able to compare the DIY version with ones commercially available.

I too was more than a little bothered by the handling of the above-mentioned "terrible ordeal" post, if anyone's keeping score.

#24 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 04:44 PM

I too was more than a little bothered by the handling of the above-mentioned "terrible ordeal" post, if anyone's keeping score.

No one is. Get over it.

#25 Guest_dafrimpster_*

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Posted 14 February 2010 - 07:08 PM

What if everyone included DIY in their post subject? Wouldn't that be sufficient to make searching possible. IF I was going to post my design for s DIY pvc overflow and I titled it "DIY pvc overflow build" wouldn't you be abel to find that post by searching for "DIY" or "overflow: or ("DIY" AND "overflow") It seems that might be a possible compromise. Just thinking outloud.

#26 Guest_Burbot_*

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Posted 15 February 2010 - 03:01 AM

No one is. Get over it.

If you are trying to run a forum that is above the others, try and have some respect for other members. I don't understand that even though he was on the mods side of things in relation to this topic, there was a need to take a shot.

#27 Guest_Brooklamprey_*

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Posted 15 February 2010 - 07:52 AM

This topic has clearly run it's useful life into the ground...

We are not entertaining the idea of additions right now. As it is we (Admin staff) are just trying to stabilize what exists.
Should we consider additions in the future this will be considered (Again) among the others.

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