Hmmmn, I think what I need is more info. from the veterans on this board on what you guys expect from us new users. Do you feel its unacceptable for a new enthusiastic native fish keeper to put a post in the Centrarchids section, on the fact their Pumpkinseeds just spawned? Are we allowed to ask simple questions, like which type of worms work best for an Orangespotted sunnie to bring out its breeding colors
. If you guys dont like emoticons why do you have them?!? I looked at the RULES when I joined and contributed to this organization and didnt see where these questions would be you guys not want novices asking questions or "bragging" about their achievements
I think posting about your achievements is fine, as long as you're providing some info that's of potential value to others. If you got a spawning and can provide some details about water chemistry, photo period, conditioning protocol, egg laying behaviour, etc, then I think that's worthwhile to post in the appropriate fish group section. If you just want to post pics of new fry that appeared in your tank, maybe that's appropriate in Show and Tell (not sure exactly how that section is intended to be used).
Likewise, it's fine to ask even "simple" questions related to NA native fish if you've done your homework beforehand -- search Google and search the forum. If that provides some answers but you need more, post a question that includes links to the references you have already found, and let people know what still remains unanswered. You'll get a much warmer reception that way.
Personally, I wish the emoticons weren't there, or were at least limited to a few simple ones like happy/sad/goofy (yeah, they can be useful to be sure your tone is clear sometimes). And I agree with you, the
Forum Guidelines could use filling out a bit more.
I think the consensus is that most of us would rather not get daily/weekly updates about any particular captive fish. If you observe some behavior that's really unusual, by all means post it. If you're writing just to say what it ate today and where its current favorite hiding spot is... better to post that to your own personal blog or whatever.