Tankmates for a Grass Pickerel
Started by
, Jan 16 2007 10:39 PM
26 replies to this topic
Posted 22 January 2007 - 05:45 PM
Pickerel do not have slow feeding methods by anymeans. They are lightning quick and hit the food as soon as it touches water.... sometimes before. However I think that a fish with slow feeding habits would be best for a pickerel. The pickerel tire quickly and get full pretty quickly too IME.
Posted 22 January 2007 - 05:48 PM
Pickerel do not have slow feeding methods by anymeans. They are lightning quick and hit the food as soon as it touches water.... sometimes before. However I think that a fish with slow feeding habits would be best for a pickerel. The pickerel tire quickly and get full pretty quickly too IME.
I'm comparing their feeding habits to the feeding habits of Largemouth and Smallmouth Bass where both of those fish actively persue feeders until they are beyond full. Pickerel just take down a few and are done...seems the same with crappie, slower not quick and hastey.
Posted 22 January 2007 - 05:53 PM
Well that is true to an extent...I think this goes more for fish that get fed everyday(which I do not reccomend) and are not very well settled. Mine will eat as much as he can in one sitting. Although I do see what you are talking about with the bass. Mine will chase feeders even when he still has one hanging out of his mouth and his belly looks like it is about to burst. In anycase though you should really try and get your fish on shrimp or even pellets. It is not impossible...I did it.
Posted 09 February 2007 - 01:26 PM
I believe if you have any sunfish breeding in a tank with any other fish in there it makes it stressful on the other fish. The Warmouth I believe will spawn much like other sunfish and make a depression in the gravel and build a nest. The male will defend the nest quite intensely. Although, I think you said you were using quite a large aquarium. Given enough cover, it might just work. I'm not sure about the Pickerel breeding though, and about whether or not the Warmouth would eat the eggs of the Pickerel if the pickerel do indeed scatter their eggs.
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