western banded killifish?
Started by
, May 05 2010 09:17 PM
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Posted 05 May 2010 - 09:17 PM
i dont have a picture just yet but i think i have found a western banded killifish, well my girlfriends little brother did anyway. i will get a picture up as soon as possible but i was wondering if anyone has found any of these in the port clinton/oak harbor area in ohio. i only had a brief look at the fish, but i did see some blue banding, although it was faint(possibly a female?) like i said im just trying to limit my possibilities. it was collected in a "pond" in the back yard out in the country, the pond is only a couple feet deep at best and about 15-20ft wide, but it used to be much larger and was filled in a bit. there is a good amount of vegetation including cattail, and some lily type plants im not sure about.
Posted 06 May 2010 - 11:54 PM
ok i have a couple pics. they arent the best but hopefully someone knows what it is since i let it go after i took these. i dont think its a banded killi, but maybe a mummichog? not sure they have been recorded this far north in ohio but thats what it looks like to me.
also, what are the fish with the spiny little spots on their heads? i found one a couple inches long, but he had already fled the minnow trap when i returned with the camera.
also, what are the fish with the spiny little spots on their heads? i found one a couple inches long, but he had already fled the minnow trap when i returned with the camera.
Posted 07 May 2010 - 09:21 AM
he let it go....ouch. but yeah its a central mudminnow...thats the little beast that i am currently after and keep failing to catch.
yeah i thought two days in a minnow trap waiting for a picture was long enough and i dont have a native tank set up yet. besides hes in a little pond where he can probably be caught again, the person who caught it said there were two in trap but one got out.
any tips on keeping these guys in case i try later?
Posted 07 May 2010 - 10:15 AM
They are very easy to maintain. A planted tank with lots of cover works best. They also like some mud/debris to hide in though it isn't a must. It is important for there not to be much current in the tank so either an air driven filter or no filter at all(if you keep up with water changes) would work best. They will eat most foods offered. Mine subsisted off FD blood worms that they came to the surface to eat. I would give them live or frozen treats occassionally. I'm not sure how they would do with prepared foods but I am sure someone else will know. You do need to keep in mind theat they get fairly large, to around 6 inches, and they will eat smaller fish if they are available.
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