Hello From Long Island NY
#4 Guest_Jan_*
Posted 27 May 2010 - 05:28 PM
Hi Dave,My Name is Dave. Been Checking out the website alot and decided to join. Just wanted to say hello
Nice to see a fellow Long Islander signing on!
I'm in the KingsPark / Smithtown area. What's your interest in Native Fish?
I've got a couple tanks set up, including a nice 55 gallon with fish primarily collected this past spring in North Carolina.
There's some interesting locations on LI, plus upstate NY is worth checking out . . .
- Jan
#6 Guest_Jan_*
Posted 28 May 2010 - 07:01 PM
Well if he calls himself capt Dave and is from Long Island, my guess his interest in native fish includes striped bass, bluefish, false albacore and bonito. Am I right Dave?
A little tuna in season?
Welcome aboard.
Arrr, ye might be right, we'll have to hear it from the Cap'n.
Meanwhile, I've been catching some HUGE porgies - up to 16", off the beach. How's the season progressing up your way?
#10 Guest_mikez_*
Posted 30 May 2010 - 08:51 AM
Well on my side of the sound we ain't got no stinkin porgies [confuses us with our pogies ], we got scup, and that ain't a duck. Folla?
A fish close to my heart and my roots. My Dad used to take us to the RI breachways and we'd have a ball with scup and fluke. Throwing a seaworm into the breachway could bring you any of a couple dozen cool species. Puffers puffing, sea robins grumbling, goosefish snapping, it's like a box of chocolates . Big sharks among the swimmers, breaching whales, bluefish driving bait onto the sand...these are my Fish Geek foundation And scup fillets breaded, quick fried, served after the quohogs, with a nice IPA.....mmm
Sad to say I know nothing first hand of our season. I fished too much when I was younger.
BTW Jan, those porgies get any bigger...
Yer gonna need a bigger boat.
#11 Guest_Jan_*
Posted 30 May 2010 - 02:03 PM
I just knew a New Englander was going to bust my chops regarding the porgy versus scup designation! Tis all in good fun . . .Ok, appologies to the mods, can't resist...
Well on my side of the sound we ain't got no stinkin porgies [confuses us with our pogies ], we got scup, and that ain't a duck. Folla?
A fish close to my heart and my roots. My Dad used to take us to the RI breachways and we'd have a ball with scup and fluke. Throwing a seaworm into the breachway could bring you any of a couple dozen cool species. Puffers puffing, sea robins grumbling, goosefish snapping, it's like a box of chocolates . Big sharks among the swimmers, breaching whales, bluefish driving bait onto the sand...these are my Fish Geek foundation And scup fillets breaded, quick fried, served after the quohogs, with a nice IPA.....mmm
Sad to say I know nothing first hand of our season. I fished too much when I was younger.
BTW Jan, those porgies get any bigger...
Yer gonna need a bigger boat.
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