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rainbows eating flake

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#1 Guest_killier_*

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Posted 16 February 2007 - 09:56 PM

is this a starving rainbow eating anything it can get one of the rare ones that will regularly eat flake?
I've just goten 12 rainbow darters in today from nativecajun and they sat in the tank 4-5 hours before feeding them at first I tried HBH soft pellets (the krill ones) with no luck then an hour later I tried freezedried bloodworms mixed with a little bit of flake
and they just LOVED it and ate all that I put in
so what do you guys think starvation or... am I a really lucky guy?

#2 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
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  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 16 February 2007 - 11:53 PM

Freeze dried blood worms are a very popular food, so they probably helped.
Hunger also definitely helps.
But I can tell you that I too have seen similar darters (tourquoise darters down here my way) eat flake food. It is not their favorite, but is a rather populated tank with some greedy shiners overhead, they will take what they can get.

is this a starving rainbow eating anything it can get one of the rare ones that will regularly eat flake?
I've just goten 12 rainbow darters in today from nativecajun and they sat in the tank 4-5 hours before feeding them at first I tried HBH soft pellets (the krill ones) with no luck then an hour later I tried freezedried bloodworms mixed with a little bit of flake
and they just LOVED it and ate all that I put in
so what do you guys think starvation or... am I a really lucky guy?

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#3 Guest_troutperch beeman_*

Guest_troutperch beeman_*
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Posted 17 February 2007 - 11:29 AM

I was commenting to my wife about my fantail and tesselated darters eating some algae flakes I feed them today. Must be something in the today> :smile:

#4 Guest_bpkeck_*

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Posted 18 February 2007 - 07:33 PM

I've noticed that certain darters will take to flake food faster than others. I feed my native tank both flake food and frozen blood worms. Originally it was to try to fill up the cyprinids so the darters and madtoms would get more blood worms, but after a month I noticed that the snubnose darters and some rainbow darters were taking the flake food as well. After a longer period other darters would take the flake food, but some never have. I think part of it might just be that they don't recognize flakes as food.

#5 Guest_bearskookums_*

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Posted 21 February 2007 - 03:17 AM

Mine so far only eats freeze dried bloodworms...I bought some tubifex and they would have none of it...no luck on flakes so far...My greenside is having problems competing with the rainbows...since I feed them freeze dried...they float and the rainbows are great at getting to the surface...but the greenside seems like it can't dart any higher than 2-3 inches...and I can't get my freeze dried blood worms to sink...even tried soaking in hot water...I might try frozen ones...

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