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Another question about Sodium Thiosulfate

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#21 Guest_gzeiger_*

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Posted 28 December 2011 - 05:20 PM

Perhaps something in the manufacturing process or one of the other ingredients accelerates the breakdown?

I do definitely notice a progressively stronger smell as a bottle of Prime ages. It happens over months though, not years, and you're right that it isn't odorless when new, just much weaker.

#22 Guest_Sombunya_*

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Posted 01 January 2012 - 11:41 PM

I'm thinking I'll keep my fish on a salt regimen for good. I would like to have some spec. gravity specs when adding it so I can float a hydrometer but 1 tablespoon/5gal of water is my target, or slightly less.

I change water more frequently in my 20 gal. Goldfish tank as I feed them a lot. 60%-70% once a week. Same % every two weeks for the bigger tanks with the Bluegills. And my pal at the LFS suggested water softener salt too.

My fish are fine and this thread is interesting.

Happy New Year to all!

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