Blacknose. I have seen a lot of both in my region.
I reckon you have seen the Blacknoses in the spring when they are burnt orange sided. Handsome fish. Seems like in the revised TN Fishes book there was something about calling them Orange sided Dace?
My experience with the Longnose Dace is they are found in the higher elevations, up in the Smokies. Cataloochee, upper upper Citico Creek where other unique species are such as Greenfin Darters. They are much longer, especially the snout, and have a slick leathery suede look, at least while snorkeling. I do not think they get any of the intense color of our Blacknoses in the spring, though i may not have been in the right place at the right time.
Blacknoses around Chattanooga seem to be found consistantly around spring heads and spring runs and cool creeks in the colder months. They like it cold.

The wide perduncule is also a key visual for me, and their slick, scaleless, limpness while in your hand when seining.
I like what Michael said... i recall the longnoses looking like airplanes in the fast rushing mountain water. They stay tight to the substrate and like Blacknoses will rush and hide under stones and crevases. Their pecs do stand out more sculpinish.
Both are cool fish but will not survive in warm aquariums.