Where is NANFA
Posted 03 December 2014 - 09:53 PM

Posted 27 August 2017 - 05:19 PM
Updated NANFA membership mapped out using a quick google map. This shows our 426 members as of August 2017. To keep things readable on a single picture I have pasted our European members into a small box on the bottom right. Also I have left off three members (1 in Australia, 1 in Alaska, and one overseas US serviceman who's address is not a true location as deployments change).
I also have color coded the regional reps (purple) and the BOD members (gold).
Posted 28 August 2017 - 09:44 AM
Cool. Interesting to see how things are grouped.
Would be interesting to see an animated map showing the membership since NANFA was founded--both in terms of how the numbers have risen/fallen over time and how member distribution has expanded/contracted.
Also, we need to get some members in Cuba and then have the convention there.
Posted 29 August 2017 - 12:34 AM
I am trying to make sense of the patterns of lines the group memberships form on the map. I assume the Great Lakes area V is the Ohio and Mississippi drainages. I think the California semi circle traces the edges of a valley if I remember right. The NH to Virginia line, the Carolina coastal grouping, and the coast to gulf Florida group puzzle me.
It just dawned on me, BOSWASH! The northeast line may reflect population density on the Boston to Washington Megalopolis.
Edited by FirstChAoS, 29 August 2017 - 12:36 AM.
Posted 29 August 2017 - 03:44 AM
Don't forget about the Appalachian Mountains that produce a lot of diverse drainages which runs down that corridor. That, in conjunction with all the major cities on the East Coast certainly accounts for those groupings The Blue Ridge Mts. are about 60 or so miles west from D.C. I live about half way between the two and am within a few hours of several major drainages & fish assemblages within VA alone.
Posted 30 August 2017 - 03:17 PM
Need more to the west. Lack of balance makes for a situation like you have in Wizard of Oz where extreme areas drag everyone else around. Remember the witches. Need more NANFA people in the drainages that are less represented.
Posted 30 August 2017 - 04:19 PM

"No thanks, a third of a gopher would merely arouse my appetite..."
Posted 01 September 2017 - 10:43 AM
Sorry Matt - to balance out our membership map we need to resettle you at the Idaho-Nevada-Utah border. Hope you like it there.
Gerald Pottern
Hangin' on the Neuse
"Taxonomy is the diaper used to organize the mess of evolution into discrete packages" - M.Sandel
Posted 29 September 2020 - 08:24 AM
So, I have a question!
I need to know what city NANFA is registered in as an organization.
Maybe I am missing it, but I don't see a physical address.
Would someone kindly help me with that information, if it exists?
Thanks much!
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