CNF Snorkels 2013
These are pictures from my 4th year guiding trips to various creeks and rivers within the Cherokee National Forest.
There is age diversity among the different groups participating from young to old, and culturally diversity in the various groups such as boy and girl scouts, schools both public and private, nature and hiking clubs, summer youth camps, conservancy groups, and various groups of nature concerned citizens. They all seem to enjoy themselves, and what better activity to be had on a hot summer day?
My first trip for 2013 was May 18 assisting my co-guide Ed Scott on the Citico Creek with the Tennessee Wild Group. I have already posted photos and an account of that outing on the forum at...
My 2nd trip was with a Adamah Adventures, a 2 week summer camp for Jewish kids from across the US and several from around the world. One young fella was from Argentina and another from Le France'. This group has come to the Conasauga every year since i have been leading trips. I did not take any pictures that day as i was a bit discombobulated as the group was nearly 2 hours late after the bus driver got lost and i used the time to explore the snorkel hole since it was my first time back to the Conasauga this year. It is interesting how much can change after the winter's high water rages which have continued throughout the spring canceling many scheduled trips. The substrate, structure and flow path can become quite altered and my former snorkel slither routes may be blocked by new stones and rubble washed down. Pleasantly the 2012 summer's silt had been blown out and new growth of river weed has covered many stones and boulders that were devoid last year. But there seemed to be fewer fish, perhaps many had been blown downstream during the rages? I could not find many critters under rocks and wonder if this is not due to all the rock flipping and activity going on at this popular public access site. On a weekend there can be 20 or 30 carloads crammed in of folks enjoying the cool water at the snorkel hole and further downstream at various pools.
My 3rd trip was Saturday, July 20, mostly elders from a community group in North Georgia called the Bent Tree Hiking Club. I do not know how much hiking they do but they certainly enjoyed the cool water and multitude of fish this sweltering day. I much enjoyed spending time with them.

The snorkeling gang of 9. 3 had dropped out worried of the random thunderstorms forecast for the weekend. We always have random rains in the summer and as long as the sky is not cracking with electricity we stay in. The fish do not seem to mind rain or shine.

A hint of fall? Probably a disease as lots of these bright poxed maple leaves were seen.

This was interesting. An unknown tree's branches were reaching down into the stream and collecting water with these throngs of rootlets. Perhaps a good strategy during dry years. I might try a transplant for the cement pond.

Grazing Stonerollers, like a herd of cows they be.

A male Blue Shiner, one of the few species still in color. They enjoy the quiet sandy flows, and in this case right where we get in and out of the water. Afterwards, when folks left, i shot a bit of video of 2 males spirling around one another. A beautiful, elegant fish. Federally listed but common when you know where to look.

Tricolor. Tubercules, always in the swifter flows but not quite the raging current Alabamas enjoy. Very hard to photograph!

Bridled Darter. Also listed. The sides a bit washed out. Usually very black marking resembling a string of flattened pearls. A Percina often swimming just above the substrate. This one was feeding at every small clump of river weed it encountered and let me tag along for a handful of photos.

Bronze Darter, probably the most common species at the snorkel hole. They can be quite handsome and are one of the largest darters, well only the Logperch exceed their size. Blackbandeds get as big but are only found downstream near 411 in my experience.

Holding his color throughout the year this is the appropriatly named Holiday Darter described by David Etnier, and not that long ago. Though his face is blurred you can really make out the vibrant red on his anal fin. The forest green and indian red of today become vibrant in the spring.

I am pretty dang near sure this is a Coosa Darter. I have seen them at other regional sites but the first i have noted at the snorkel hole. It is easy to pass them off as a Holiday when snorkeling by. Coosa males, with their snubby noses, have that red band up in their dorsal.

Another Coosa, this one a bass. A regional smallmouth, locals also refer to them as a Redeye Bass. Very well marked and attractive unlike those big blobby darter eaters, the Spotted and Largemouth, fair game for the frying pan is my thought. I also saw 3 Stripped Rock Bass at the hole, the first ever. There is a bounty on them as they are voracious eaters of endangered species.

A close up of a resting Hog Sucker showing the delicate potential dexterity of his sucker mouth. We have both the Alabama and Northern in the Conasauga. Between the eyes convex or concave can aid in the proper identity.
A return to Citico Creek.
My next group was yesterday, Monday, with a busload of 17 youth from the Monroe County Boys & Girls Club. What a great group of bright eyed, enthusiastic youngsters. Well mannered and inquisitive they made the day wonderful. We snorkeled under cloudy skies the first round, whopping and hollering while they got accustomed to the cold, masks and snorkels but after lunch we had a bit of blue sky and less disturbed clarity before they headed home. I went back in for an hour or 2 of photos before a big late afternoon storm drove me from the water.

17 and their leader after their immersal. Happy and they know it.

Ready for their 2nd session heading upstream to the spawning beds, redhorse and rapids.

A well painted bright eyed youngster. How can you not enjoy this?

Grazing Stonerollers. After the club left my 2 assistants, Jessica and Brook and i returned to the water for a bit of show and tell, fine tuning some of their ID skills. They have become quite good this season while offering weekend snorkel sessions to stream side campers. Helping to educate those that enjoy what the forest offers. Its free! Show up any Saturday at the Young Branch Horse Camp.

Loggie, well marked with a couple rollers above.

Whitetail Shiner, the common fish of any substrate disturbance. Upstream a couple tuberculed males, all pearly, jostled for prime spwaning ground.


Warpaint. A frosty one stayed just downstream of the flurry of Whitetails.

Culvert, under the gravel road running cool spring water. The kids enjoyed chasing big yellow butterflies that had gathered in the mossy cove.

Looking upstream to the gathering thunderclouds.

Downstream to a cobbled riffle run leading to a nice shadowed pool. I wanted the sunshine so stayed above until the lightning crached loud and close.
So ended the day. My next is back to the Conasauga Sunday with a nature group and the following Saturday, August 3, into the Hiwassee River with Hellbenders and Tangerines amongst the Tennessee Wild Folk. I'm 56 and this is the best summer job i have ever had.