A Very NANFA Fishmas 2013
Started by
, Dec 11 2013 11:34 AM
32 replies to this topic
Posted 04 January 2014 - 06:37 PM
A Fine Christmas Fishy Quiz. Thank you Josh!
I am curious of the correct answers. Are you going to post them or save them for next year?

What was the maximum number of points one could acquire? By my count 11 points for part 1 and 22 points for part 2, thus 33 total.
So were Mike and i both at the 33 max? If not, i might change an answer!
There were 2 questions i was a bit unsure of.
Part 2, question number 3.
How many of the 36 fish native to Arizona have been Federally Listed as Threatened or Endangered?
I found this site which seemed to provide the best answer...
Of 36 fish species historically native to Arizona, 21 are listed as threatened or endangered, and one species has gone extinct. ( Via Arizona Game & Fish Department )
Thus i am content with my answer of "21 Threatened or Endangered ( And 1 extinct )".
Now question 7 was a tough one and i asked several folks regarding it. I spent a lot of time researching to find a proper answer. The question reads...
What river in the United States has the highest percentage of endemic Fish living in it? (Single named river only, not entire system)
JR and i spoke verbally and he was unsure but considered the Duck then the Coosa as i had come across it during my initial research.
Dr. David responded...
I did some work on a related topic--most sp. of fishes in a US river system, with system being defined as part of a larger entity (drainage) that enters the ocean or is so big it deserves to be classified as a drainage, eg Ohio, Tennessee, etc. Top 3 were Wabash of the Ohio, Tombigbee of the Mobile, and Duck of the Tennessee. But I doubt if either of these is the answer to your question. All three share a very large proportion of their species with the Ohio, Alabama, and Tennessee, respectively. Here are some potential candidates--Conasauga or Coosa or Alabama, Roanoke, James, Apalachicola, Santee. Since you are doing it by % rather than actual numbers, I am guessing that the Conasauga or Roanoke might win, with the others perhaps having slightly more or the same number of endemics, but with the % diluted by the larger numbers of species. happy holidays . . . ets
Here is what Ed wrote...
...as for your question, it could be a tricky answer because there could be a river with only a handful of species and all of them endemic, such as a western desert stream, so 100% would be endemic. But I am not certain of that. It seems likely that a river with limited water, isolated by desert for ages, would develop endemics. The stream would have to small enough to not be 'polluted' by introduced species.
Later the ever witty Ed responded with...
A simpler question would be "How many pancakes would it take to shingle a doghouse?"
Reading and rereading the question, trying to get my head around it, i soon got caught up in the definition of River, Endemic and the use of a percentage instead of an actual number of endemic species.
For example, if a river had only one species of fish in it, and it was endemic, it would be 100%. If we introduced a 2nd, non native species to this same river it would become 50% endemic.
So i like Ed's thought process considering a desert river such as the Colorado, which also came up in my research. But many desert rivers now have many introduced species in them. Another point is how does one define River? Such as the Mississippi River, would it include all it tribs?
A tough question indeed and perhaps that one should be null and voided. Otherwise i am curious of the answer and your source.
Maybe Mike and i can have a dipnetting, snorkeling or critter / fungi eating contest to settle the shared honor while in NC. I do gotta say graphic artists have a few skills while using the internet.
A Fine Christmas Fishy Quiz. Thank you Josh!
I am curious of the correct answers. Are you going to post them or save them for next year?

What was the maximum number of points one could acquire? By my count 11 points for part 1 and 22 points for part 2, thus 33 total.
So were Mike and i both at the 33 max? If not, i might change an answer!
There were 2 questions i was a bit unsure of.
Part 2, question number 3.
How many of the 36 fish native to Arizona have been Federally Listed as Threatened or Endangered?
I found this site which seemed to provide the best answer...
Of 36 fish species historically native to Arizona, 21 are listed as threatened or endangered, and one species has gone extinct. ( Via Arizona Game & Fish Department )
Thus i am content with my answer of "21 Threatened or Endangered ( And 1 extinct )".
Now question 7 was a tough one and i asked several folks regarding it. I spent a lot of time researching to find a proper answer. The question reads...
What river in the United States has the highest percentage of endemic Fish living in it? (Single named river only, not entire system)
JR and i spoke verbally and he was unsure but considered the Duck then the Coosa as i had come across it during my initial research.
Dr. David responded...
I did some work on a related topic--most sp. of fishes in a US river system, with system being defined as part of a larger entity (drainage) that enters the ocean or is so big it deserves to be classified as a drainage, eg Ohio, Tennessee, etc. Top 3 were Wabash of the Ohio, Tombigbee of the Mobile, and Duck of the Tennessee. But I doubt if either of these is the answer to your question. All three share a very large proportion of their species with the Ohio, Alabama, and Tennessee, respectively. Here are some potential candidates--Conasauga or Coosa or Alabama, Roanoke, James, Apalachicola, Santee. Since you are doing it by % rather than actual numbers, I am guessing that the Conasauga or Roanoke might win, with the others perhaps having slightly more or the same number of endemics, but with the % diluted by the larger numbers of species. happy holidays . . . ets
Here is what Ed wrote...
...as for your question, it could be a tricky answer because there could be a river with only a handful of species and all of them endemic, such as a western desert stream, so 100% would be endemic. But I am not certain of that. It seems likely that a river with limited water, isolated by desert for ages, would develop endemics. The stream would have to small enough to not be 'polluted' by introduced species.
Later the ever witty Ed responded with...
A simpler question would be "How many pancakes would it take to shingle a doghouse?"
Reading and rereading the question, trying to get my head around it, i soon got caught up in the definition of River, Endemic and the use of a percentage instead of an actual number of endemic species.
For example, if a river had only one species of fish in it, and it was endemic, it would be 100%. If we introduced a 2nd, non native species to this same river it would become 50% endemic.
So i like Ed's thought process considering a desert river such as the Colorado, which also came up in my research. But many desert rivers now have many introduced species in them. Another point is how does one define River? Such as the Mississippi River, would it include all it tribs?
A tough question indeed and perhaps that one should be null and voided. Otherwise i am curious of the answer and your source.
Maybe Mike and i can have a dipnetting, snorkeling or critter / fungi eating contest to settle the shared honor while in NC. I do gotta say graphic artists have a few skills while using the internet.
Posted 09 January 2014 - 12:22 PM
I did count 20 or 21 for the Arizona question. I originally wasn't figuring the extinct species, but it should count, so I went with either answer.
On question 7, I was looking for the Coosa River. If I throw out that question, it's still a tie. I didn't think to consult every fish and game department or the EPA....just a friendly contest.
Looking back at it, that wasn't a good question, very subjective. I'll be more careful next time, if there is one.
Also, the 2nd poster I ordered should be in this week. Winners should get their prizes next week....sorry it's a little late.
On question 7, I was looking for the Coosa River. If I throw out that question, it's still a tie. I didn't think to consult every fish and game department or the EPA....just a friendly contest.
Looking back at it, that wasn't a good question, very subjective. I'll be more careful next time, if there is one.
Also, the 2nd poster I ordered should be in this week. Winners should get their prizes next week....sorry it's a little late.
Posted 07 February 2014 - 04:55 PM
11 months and counting down. I see CafePress but no credit to the unknown illustrator of our mascot? And how does Lucas figure into the prize giving when he is a winner himself? Could it be he had access to all the answers in advance?

Attached is a close-up of a painting i found under the lighted Christmas tree...

Attached is a close-up of a painting i found under the lighted Christmas tree...

Posted 07 February 2014 - 07:59 PM
We all had access to all the answers. We needed advance access to the questions they were tough. Good thoughtAnd how does Lucas figure into the prize giving when he is a winner himself? Could it be he had access to all the answers in advance?
provoking questions I thought even the one I'm not sure we'll ever know the true answer. I ended up spending hours studying
about the southeast US even picking up a book on ebay after the contest ended. Even more sorry I didn't make the NANFA
convention without water. Pretty interesting area regarding fish in an area mostly desert. Unfortunately I supposedly would be losing my job so I couldn't justify the expense of such a long trip at the time.
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