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American Currents

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#41 Guest_fritz_*

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Posted 05 May 2014 - 07:02 PM

Yes they were. Todd Crail, Kathlina Alford, Chris Crippen etc. all are members

#42 mattknepley

  • NANFA Member
  • Smack-dab between the Savannah and the Saluda.

Posted 05 May 2014 - 07:10 PM

Don't worry Matt, its not you... someone must be angry at those cans!

I get that same crazy look in my eyes when I get my AC...
Matt Knepley
"No thanks, a third of a gopher would merely arouse my appetite..."

#43 Guest_keepnatives_*

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Posted 05 May 2014 - 08:31 PM

I have not received the current AC either, but usually behind most.

#44 Guest_fritz_*

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Posted 05 May 2014 - 09:03 PM

It's worth the wait O:)

#45 Guest_fritz_*

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Posted 05 May 2014 - 09:05 PM

I have gotten one positive response but we will contact the publisher tomorrow. hang in there!

#46 Isaac Szabo

Isaac Szabo
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  • Marble Falls, AR

Posted 05 May 2014 - 09:24 PM

I got mine today. Nice issue! I really like the full color! Thanks for making the improvements!

#47 Guest_Uland_*

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Posted 06 May 2014 - 09:01 AM

Poor Fritz, I'll bet every one was double labeled and his inbox is overflowing!
No good deed goes unpunished Fritz!

#48 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 06 May 2014 - 09:14 AM

I hate that we are talking about this label issue... I want to go back to saying... WOW... and thank you to Fritz and Konrad and Olaf for driving this change. So yes, the paper is nice, and yes, the color pictures are very nice... but Olaf my man the layout is SUPERB and VERY professional looking. It really shows that you know what you are doing with this sort of thing. I want to offer you my sincere thanks for your contribution to this issue (and hopefully many more to come)!
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#49 Guest_Subrosa_*

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Posted 06 May 2014 - 09:27 AM

I'm with Michael. The label thing is a minor glitch that we shouldn't let detract from the work that went into and the results that came out of the new format. Serious congrats are in order! Finally got to read mine as well. The news of the de-listing of the Blue breasted Darter in Ohio was very welcome news. Now if Brian can get them going, and PA can de-list them as well I can get to work with one of my all time faves!

#50 littlen

  • NANFA Member
  • Washington, D.C.

Posted 06 May 2014 - 12:30 PM

On this 6th day of May, I have yet to receive mine. However, I need to think of a polite way to ask my mailman not to put a crease/heavily fold in all large items like AC and other similar sized letters and publications. Any ideas Mr. Knepley? .....It just drives my OCD crazy!
Nick L.

#51 mattknepley

  • NANFA Member
  • Smack-dab between the Savannah and the Saluda.

Posted 06 May 2014 - 04:35 PM

Finally got mine! Definitely worth the wait. Congrats, and THANKS, to all involved.

On this 6th day of May, I have yet to receive mine. However, I need to think of a polite way to ask my mailman not to put a crease/heavily fold in all large items like AC and other similar sized letters and publications. Any ideas Mr. Knepley? .....It just drives my OCD crazy!

As for the fold issue, boy I hear ya; I'm pretty sure I just have the D, and not the O and C, but I hate my big stuff getting creased. Here's what's likely happening. Since you're in a big city, your carrier most likely starts their day by spending close to three hours collating upwards of a thousand pieces of mail, possibly more, into surprisingly small spaces in a large case. (To say nothing of packages and "accountable/get-your-butt-fired-for-screwing-up type items.) Routes can have over 700 boxes a day that need to be serviced, I would think 600+ would be the average in DC. To make life easier, many carriers roll some or all of their magazines, catalogs, newspapers, etc into u-shaped cradles in the slots on their cases, and then place that same address's letter mail inside the "cradle". It effectively doubles the space your mail takes up, but also very effectively shortens delivery time as the carrier doesn't have to "re-sort" the mail at each box on the street. Grab the roll for that box, service it, and go. By the time your AC gets out of the case it's been compressed many times over, hence the rolls or crease.

Technically, unless you actually see your carrier performing intentionally malicious acts to your AC, there isn't much you can do. It's mailed at a "non-profit org." rate, barely one step above your average Piggly Wiggly flier. So, although we can't intentionally hurt it, and we do HAVE to deliver it, if the carrier deems it necessary to roll, wrap, or fold it in any stage of the delivery process, that's about it. First class gets a lot more "respect", but there's a reason everybody who can mails standard or non-profit. The cost.

All this said, carriers are just like anybody else. Some are great people, some are "ehh", and some are miserable creatures. It might take a couple chats, but usually if you respectfully point out that you'd like your magazines babied a little, they'll do it for you. Just remember they're a creature of habit and function, so it might take a little bit to change behavior. If no change is affected in a reasonable time, start bugging the postmaster, officer in charge, and/or anybody else that might have to listen to you. They have enough to deal with already, so they'll do their best to give the carrier enough of a headache to change their ways.
Matt Knepley
"No thanks, a third of a gopher would merely arouse my appetite..."

#52 Guest_wispfox_*

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Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:04 PM

Just got mine! Must wait until tomorrow to look, though, because I'm in the middle of a take-home final exam.

#53 olaf

  • NANFA Member

Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:24 PM

It seems the double address label issue isn't an issue, as they had to re-address them all to include the membership date (which was left off the first time through the addressing process). I spoke to the printer today and he is 100% convinced they were all addressed properly and sent. Now it's just a matter of waiting for them to get through the slower delivery of non-profit bulk mail. I still haven't received mine, despite living a couple miles from the source, but now I'm not worried.

And thanks for the kind words, everyone. My goal as a book designer has always been to work on fish books, so this is step in the right direction.
Redhorse ID downloads and more: http://moxostoma.com

#54 Guest_Casper_*

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Posted 06 May 2014 - 07:35 PM

That's excellent news Olaf. Hopefully every NANFA member will soon have the newest American Currents in their hands.
Great job, this color version is an excellent step forward for NANFA. Thanks for being an instigator designer!

#55 olaf

  • NANFA Member

Posted 06 May 2014 - 09:03 PM

I'll put that on my business cards!
Redhorse ID downloads and more: http://moxostoma.com

#56 littlen

  • NANFA Member
  • Washington, D.C.

Posted 07 May 2014 - 08:01 AM

Thanks for the info, Matt. I'll PM you.
Nick L.

#57 Guest_Kanus_*

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Posted 11 May 2014 - 09:18 AM

Im still waiting on mine. Could my mailing label be missing somewhere?

#58 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 11 May 2014 - 09:45 AM

Let's start with making sure it went to the right address. Didn't you recently move? Send an email to Tom Watson a and confirm that your address is correct on the membership database. That is what is used to generate the mailing labels.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#59 Guest_Kanus_*

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Posted 11 May 2014 - 12:49 PM

I moved nearly two years ago and have received plenty of ACs at my current address. It could be possible that I have stupidly let my membership lapse, but I try to pay attention to the ACs when they come in to see if I need to renew.

#60 littlen

  • NANFA Member
  • Washington, D.C.

Posted 11 May 2014 - 01:22 PM

Fear not, Derek. I haven't gotten mine yet either. They're usually pretty good about sending out a time to renew email if your membership is about to expire. The more you want to receive your copy, the longer it's going to take to arrive. That's Murphy for ya.
Nick L.

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