I don't believe anyone asked about, or was advocating for, a prepared food only diet. The questions have been based around acceptable forms of food for Elassoma.
True, I did not specifically state my experience when feeding a rotation of decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, Ken's golden pearls, flake food, grindal worms, and thawed frozen bloodworms. So I guess I'll say it outright: I have found that when live or frozen foods are available, the elassoma will not eat the dehydrated foods.
Specifically, when either live grindal worm or thawed frozen bloodworms were present, the elassoma simply would not eat on the days of Ken's golden pearls, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, and flakes. They would wait for the live and frozen to come back and eat then. The only way to get them to be willing to ingest the dry foods was to starve them for several days first as Michael mentioned in his post. After a few days, some figure out that the live worms and thawed frozen insect larvae source had dried up. Only when they were really desperate after several days of no food at all did they begin to nibble dry food. Or at least that's what my experience has been. So if you rotate dry and live/frozen, they'll just not eat on the dry food days. If you starve them for a few days, some will try to eat the dehydrated food. Keep them on the dehydrated food long term? My experience with long term dehydrated food fed elassoma gilberti is that the vast majority of elassoma in the colony died and the ones that remained living did not spawn until they were again fed live/frozen food.
Long story short: In 2011, I tried to feed my elassoma gilberti colony dry flake food only for several months. A lot died and the ones that lived didn't spawn. I put them back on live food diet (grindal worms and thawed frozen blackworms) and they ate and became fat. I was able to collect and hatch fertile eggs. I tried mixing dry and live/frozen foods. They ignored the dry, waiting for the days when I fed live/frozen. If fed at the same time, they'd just snatch the worm or midge larve and ignore the dry particles. I used a variety of dry foods: Ken's golden pearls, flakes, earthworm flakes from Ken's, decapsulated brine shrimp eggs, etc. They just wait for the grindal worms and thawed frozen bloodworms to come back. Dry food just doesn't work, in my experience, with elassoma. Not mixed with other foods, not alone. They didn't spawn without live/frozen foods.
If you introduce these prepared foods alongside live or frozen foods and slowly shift the ratio towards majority prepared foods, the fish will generally accept the prepared foods as such and you will be able to supplement the live or frozen food diet with prepared food items.
In my experience that's just not true with elassoma. I tried it, many times.