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catching redfin pickerel in my area

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#21 Guest_fishyz_*

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Posted 08 April 2007 - 08:31 PM

Did you read your regulations? What do they say? Why are you giving up?

I should have added that I couldn't get them WITH A NET. I was planing on getting a seine to get them with, but since they are technicaly game fish I'll get some small hooks (cut off the barbs if they aren't barbless) and some small minnows. :smile:

#22 Guest_BTDarters_*

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Posted 16 April 2007 - 03:52 AM

I hate to beat a dead horse here, but I, too, have re-read the State Fishing Regulations. According to it and the definitions of game fish, rough fish, and minnows, the Grass Pickerel is a game fish. You were right about that. Please see the image below from page 13 of the regulations. If you read further, however, you will find that there is no open season for pickerel. That means that it would be illegal to catch them. Please see below the excerpt from page 50, the start of pages describing the Open Seasons, Length Limits, and Bag Limits for game fish. It clearly states that "Fish Species not listed have no open season". Also see below that a copy of pages 50 and 51 which list the state-described game fish and their Open Seasons, Length Limits, and Bag Limits.

Page 13 - Game Fish, Rough Fish, and Minnows; Definitions
Posted Image

Page 50, Excerpt - Open Seasons, Length Limits, and Bag Limits
Posted Image

Pages 50 & 51 - Open Seasons, Length Limits, and Bag Limits
Posted Image

#23 Guest_bullhead_*

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Posted 16 April 2007 - 10:14 AM

Looks pretty clear cut. A good issue to go over with the DNR at the local meeting.

#24 Guest_Zephead4747_*

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Posted 16 April 2007 - 08:39 PM

It's ok I have to set up my grreen sunfish/rockbass tank first them I might get a 20 gal and get some darters :)

#25 Guest_fishyz_*

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Posted 20 April 2007 - 04:16 PM

Looks pretty clear cut. A good issue to go over with the DNR at the local meeting.

Yes, this is a very good issue to go over. I'm kind of bumd out now that I can't get my own pickerels. :cry:

#26 Guest_flamingo_*

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 12:37 PM

I like in Nekoosa, WI (around the middle of the state I guess) and i've never caught, or seen for that matter, a true pickerel. Many of the lakes around here only have northern pike, muskie, and tiger muskies. Granted I do have a harder time identifying a small pickerel with a pike to begin with. I've only kept northerns (and once a small musky by accident). Many of the locals around here don't even know what a pickerel is to tell you the truth.. they'll just call it a small northern etc. Other than that, I don't really know much about the situation.

I know aquaculturestore.com has red-fins, chains, and grass pickerel for sale, but that's about it.

#27 Guest_Zephead4747_*

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 02:08 PM

I like in Nekoosa, WI (around the middle of the state I guess) and i've never caught, or seen for that matter, a true pickerel. Many of the lakes around here only have northern pike, muskie, and tiger muskies. Granted I do have a harder time identifying a small pickerel with a pike to begin with. I've only kept northerns (and once a small musky by accident). Many of the locals around here don't even know what a pickerel is to tell you the truth.. they'll just call it a small northern etc. Other than that, I don't really know much about the situation.

I know aquaculturestore.com has red-fins, chains, and grass pickerel for sale, but that's about it.

Agreed no one has really heard of/talks about pickerels here either. There just snake northerns to most people.

#28 Guest_fishyz_*

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 10:01 PM

Well we think tha pond that the pickerels are found in nere me is stocked (there's no other way for the fish to get in there). Would it be legal if from a stocked pond? Also, take a look a page 56. I says that spieces not listed for the Wisconsin-Iowa regulations you should look at pages 48-49. These pages state that for most of the waters that you can take any speices (except a select few that are listed). It says nothing about not takeing pickerels!

#29 Guest_Skipjack_*

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Posted 21 April 2007 - 11:12 PM

Good observation fishyz. Spend some more time with your state laws. Print them out. Be sure that you know what you are doing.
If the pond is privately ownrd, then there is a good possibility, that it does not fall under state regulation(check laws).
If this is the case(private owner) A voucher saying that he allowed you to remove these fish would prove your legality

#30 Guest_fishyz_*

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Posted 23 April 2007 - 03:54 PM

Well, the pond is near on of my freinds houses and I think its owned by the neighborhood or something like that. I'll try to find out who owns it and go from there. :)

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