Central Mudminnow
Posted 22 February 2016 - 10:16 AM
Maybe when they're small, but adult mudminnows might eat slim-bodied darters. Also you'll need to feed often to make sure the darters get enough food; Umbra are more aggressive feeders.
Gerald Pottern
Hangin' on the Neuse
"Taxonomy is the diaper used to organize the mess of evolution into discrete packages" - M.Sandel
Posted 24 February 2016 - 06:03 PM
Size taken into consideration these two can live together. If you start with younger fish of both species and keep them well fed I would have a hard time believing the mudminnows would ever get large enough to eat the darters. Will take mudminnows a long time to get 4-5" and if the darters also live that long they will push 3 inches. Should be no problem to keep them together.
Brian J. Zimmerman
Gambier, Ohio - Kokosing River Drainage
Posted 22 March 2016 - 12:59 PM
I have kept Iowa and Rainbow darters with CM's, with no problems even as the mudminnows approached 6-8 inches. I keep a very large(130) gallon tank full of rocks, logs, plants, caves, tannic water...so even with a dozen MM's I've not seen losses with them. Currently with a half dozen or so MM's ranging from 3-7 inches in length, I have a dozen or so dace and HAVE lost a few of the small ones...but I'm honestly not sure to "what". My tank is very native, using locally sourced substrate(read, pond mud), plants, logs, rocks, all from local lakes/ponds, and with such you get a lot of life..some of it not very fish friendly. Draggonfly nymphs come to mind. I try and keep them out, and fish them out when I can...but several times per year I come home to dragonflys darting about my apartment..so I suspect the lost dace have run afoul of them, and not the MM's. Oddly...since I know how many MM's started out in the tank, even though some were as small as an inch I've never lost any so not sure if they are just lucky or better able to sense and avoide the dragons.. I love CMM's, they are I swear from an alternate reality where pickerel and cichids got it on and they are the result. As has been noted earlier, particulary as they get larger, they ARE predators, very good ones actually.
Kentwood, Michigan(Lake Michigan watershed).
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