Tennessee River Rescue 2018 October 6 30th Year
I did a pre-scout today spending 3 hours in the water bare skin. I eventually got cold and figured the water was in the upper 60's. Visibility was reasonable at about 6', at times more with the light streaming in nicely. I gathered trash and piled it into the many submerged tires and found a big green mesh bag we had left behind last year. Some of the glass jars and bottles are from another age, the pre-plastics era of my youth.
I plan to do another scout before October 6. Downstream is the old mill site, i may send some of us there first. Plenty of trash and relics just downstream of the bridge and mill.
I have 9 folks that have expressed interest and will be sending them emails with details weekly. If your interested email me at prizma@aol.com.
While snorkeling today i observed lots of Logperch, a good sign in the long cobbled runs. Also Redlines, Bluesides, Snubs. Yellow Perch. Spotted Sucker, Redhorses, Stonerollers, Striped and Warpaint Shiners, big Bass, little Bass, Sunfish mostly Redbreast, Hogsuckers. A nice diversity in an urban stream. Crayfish, snails galore and a single loggerheaded Musk Turtle. Plenty more of everything if you look for critters instead of trash.
They selected my shirt design out of about 15 submitted and will be printing 1000 shirts this year. Each volunteer gets a shirt and i will buy my team a cajun dinner that late afternoon.
This is where i generally get in. A bit precarious on the steep downside no slide on the loose riprap rubble. You can see 2 of the 3 tires. I plan to leave the dozens of tires but may remove them next year with a better plan, proper gear and more muscle. But they are inert and are making ideal temporary trash deposits midcreek.
A brown glass gallon jug that is embossed ROMAN. ?
Lots of Pepsi, Coke and beer bottles, mustard, bleach, whiskey, medicine and plenty of unknowns. I plan to save the interesting unbrokens for someone to look through. Shards, cans, plastic, broken toys, auto parts... it is a treasure hunt of trash.