I find lots of very old bottles but the chore of cleaning them is extensive and not fun.
I have a friend, Bill Haley who is a member of the Dixie Jewels Insulator Club.
He has a MAJOR collection.
Check them out on FaceBook.
As for mine, about 7, i would have to take the time to photograph them.
Hi Casper,
I know Bill Haley very well. He's a great guy! See him yearly at the Ohio insulator show. Wonderful person to associate with and chat hobbies.
Anyhow, no problem. I understand about photography and time. Time anymore seems precious little!
However, speaking of tight time-windows, tonight I DID make it down to the river, got wet, caught a few more fish, and I DID get my bigger tank set up. It'll take a few days to cycle (even after seeding), but I'll post pics once it clears up. Caught (2) 1.5" stonecat madtoms, 2 male banded darters and some small shiner fry for my Northern sunfish to eat. Was a lot of rewarding fun to go out and catch the specimens for my tank!
Thank you for your work and efforts to clean up our creeks, streams and rivers. I try to remove whatever I can. If everyone did this, our environment would be SO much cleaner and healthier. Just be sure to send ALL insulators you find to ME! 
P.S. Use oxalic acid to clean insulators and bottles. Put them in a bucket of the solution (I use 5 ounces per 3 gallons of water), let them sit a day and scrub them off. Most of the time all it takes is a wash rag to get the gunk off and a bottle brush for the insides of the bottles. Oxalic acid (deck bleach) is safe to use indoors and you can use it without wearing PPE and gloves. However, if you have cuts on your hands, it stings like all get-out. Here's a photo of what it does to a brick with 100 years of underwater crud all over it. I lifted it out of the bucket and did nothing else to it. Lastly, oxalic acid does not lose its cleaning efficiency or power when the water turns black. This stuff lasts as long as you keep a lid on the bucket and prevent evaporation. So you'll only need to add more IF evap happens and you have to add more water.
The Grumpy Old Man.