Hello everyone, I am from Europe and have been keeping fish for over 40 years. I have several North American species, which are very rare on this continent. A year ago I obtained fry from the Southern Redbelly dace, they were about 1" and colorless.
They seem healthy but their behavior is puzzling me... and there is barely any information on keeping them in a tank.
They are a bit over 3" now but still colorless, very shy and make burrows in the sand where they all hide for the day, only to come out at feeding time. Initially I thought they might be sick, it was seasonal or that it is because of the temperature... during the summer the tank was 77 degrees for a couple of weeks and some began to get red bellies then, but it did fade when the temperature got back down under ±70 again. Last month I accidentally put the light on early in the morning, and to my surprise they all had red bellies and were swimming around the tank. You would think that the light is the problem but it is only a 10w led strip, and the tank is heavily planted, it is covered with floating plants too so it is only a very low light tank. I checked on other occasions they do color up and get active at night.
Is it normal behavior, how can I make them come out and have their colors during the day ? Do they need dither fish?
The water is 64,5 degrees, pH 7,3 GH6 KH4 NO3<10
There is no traffic that can scare them, I have a whole bunch of tanks here with all sorts of fish under similar conditions, they don't have this problem.
Edited by siem, 05 January 2020 - 11:52 AM.