Has anyone bred bluebreast darters?
Posted 13 April 2020 - 05:15 PM
Posted 13 April 2020 - 06:13 PM
I don't know of much out there either. I am a big fan of all Nothonotus. Not sure what it is about them, but I like em. Bluebreast are the best example of the clade.
The member formerly known as Skipjack
Posted 15 April 2020 - 09:20 AM
Breeding? Yes. Successful recruitment of offspring? No. I was lucky enough on March 23rd of 2016 to catch a pair spawning in my 150 community. (Pics below). The tank was in the living room which had lots of ambient light from a XL bay window. There was a tank light which may have been on from maybe 3-9PM? (Not exactly sure. Was only for 'viewing during prime hours'). The tank was chilled year round to 66-67F. I attribute the success to the natural/ambient light signaling the arrival of Spring. Since the tank temps were consistent all year, it was less likely to have been a factor as there wasn't a cool down and gradual warming.
Warning: Poor quality, gratuitous, whoopie-making photos below....
They spawned under the butt-end of a piece of driftwood.
Spawning site.png 191.68KB
The male approaches. The females broadside can be seen under the log.
Male approach.png 242.57KB
The act. (This is actually a still from a video where he's doing his 'shimmy' next to her).
Breeding.png 243.81KB
Eggs. Gone the next day. There were a lot of other darters in this tank that made quick work of them.
Eggs.jpg 81.46KB
I would have loved to pull the eggs and raised the young but didn't have the time and resources to do so. Hopefully the vague info above can get you started.
Posted 15 April 2020 - 09:42 AM
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