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10-01-07 Tuxachanie Creek

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#1 Guest_MScooter_*

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Posted 04 October 2007 - 12:58 AM

Dredcon, hmt321, Irate Mormon, MScooter, and the Doc. from Southern sampled a tributary to the Tchoutacabouffa River in Desoto National Forrest monday. We were doing a bridge to bridge trip and packed a raft with all the gear one could hope for, including refreshments. The weather was perfect and the tea stained stream was clear with a nice medium slow flow. The day proved well despite things going awry.

Species List

Lythrurus roseipinnis Cherryfin Shiner
Pteronotropis signipinnis Flagfin Shiner
Notorus leptacanthus Speckled Madtom
Labidesthes sicculus Brook Silverside
Aphredoderus sayanus Pirate Perch
Fundulus dispar Starhead Topminnow
Fundulus notatus Blackstripe Topminnow
Fundulus notti Bayou Topminnow
Fundulus olivaceus Blackspotted Topminnow
Lepomis macrochirus Bluegill
Lepomis megalotis Longear Sunfish
Lepomis miniatus Redspotted Sunfish
Elassoma zonatum Banded Pygmy Sunfish
Micropterus Spp.
Percina nigrofasciata Blackbanded Darter
Etheostoma stigmaeum Speckled Darter
Etheostoma swaini Gulf Darter

The previous year Dredcon and Irate Mormon had sampled several Ambloplites ariommus, Shadow Bass, but none were to be found.

The pictures:

If only we had known...

#2 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 04 October 2007 - 09:57 AM

In that last picture of everyone in the creek it looks like you're walking into the Gulf Coast re-make of Deliverance. I'm glad you didn't see the slow boy playing banjo in the distance.

#3 Guest_hmt321_*

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Posted 04 October 2007 - 10:45 AM

while we had reports of hostile natives (most notably the Mississipus-nascareus tribe) in the area, we did not come into contact with any. My greatest fear was running into a few members of the Alabamus-whitetrashest tribe, i have heard that they wonder into this area from time to time.

The Mississipus-nascareus tribe has a war cry that sounds similar to "Earnhardt!!!, Earnhardt!!" chilling to say the least. They are particularly dangerous in rural areas where they are constantly improving their skills as marksmen on road signs.

The Alabamus-whitetrashest tribe, can be particularly vicious, especially while under the influence of alcohol (which can be anytime after 8:00 AM). Their homeland is generally recognized as north Mobile, and south Clark county in southern Alabama. Do not approach them in a vehicle or in one of their dwellings (commonly called "trailers", or "double wides") for there is a good chance that their "meth" lab will blow up, engulfing you in flame.

#4 Guest_MScooter_*

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Posted 04 October 2007 - 02:59 PM

The Mississipus-nascareus tribe has a war cry that sounds similar to "Earnhardt!!!, Earnhardt!!" chilling to say the least. They are particularly dangerous in rural areas where they are constantly improving their skills as marksmen on road signs.

Do not approach them in a vehicle or in one of their dwellings (commonly called "trailers", or "double wides") for there is a good chance that their "meth" lab will blow up, engulfing you in flame.

The laptop that made it out of the tuxachanie dry just had coffee spewed all over it

Did I forget any species? How about those darter ID's?

#5 Guest_farmertodd_*

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Posted 04 October 2007 - 04:09 PM

So all those minnows you mentioned a "Doc" running off... Was that Jake Schaefer? I think they'll be arriving in Toledo before too long lol

It's too small a world.

Nice pics!

And next time guys... Use aluminum. Sheesh. LOL!


#6 Guest_hmt321_*

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Posted 04 October 2007 - 06:08 PM

did you have Lepomis megalotis longear sunfish on the list? we caught several

#7 Guest_MScooter_*

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Posted 05 October 2007 - 01:19 AM

did you have Lepomis megalotis longear sunfish on the list? we caught several

edit made. thanks HMT

#8 Guest_MScooter_*

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Posted 05 October 2007 - 01:27 AM

And next time guys... Use aluminum. Sheesh. LOL!

So, you will be sampling the Tuxachanie next year?

Yep. Doc. Schaefer. You had better appreciate those Fundulus.

#9 Guest_farmertodd_*

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Posted 05 October 2007 - 05:35 AM

Nah, I didn't even know the name of the stream until I put 2 and 2 together. I'm getting him some northern blackstripe topminnows for his research. He offered to get me something from down thataway, and now that I seem to be getting my hardness issues to a suitable situation, I was ready to try signipinnis again, and they seemed easy for him to get. If you collected any Fundulus, they were probably for his work. I just wanted some purty minners, and wasn't planning on driving south of the Fall Line for awhile. Been to FL too many times in the last year and a half. Sick of driving THAT far.

I'm amsued at how small a world it is :)


So, you will be sampling the Tuxachanie next year?

Yep. Doc. Schaefer. You had better appreciate those Fundulus.

#10 Guest_hmt321_*

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Posted 05 October 2007 - 08:47 AM

we could have caught several hundred within a 10 min walk from the 1st bridge.

#11 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 05 October 2007 - 02:03 PM

And next time guys... Use aluminum. Sheesh. LOL!

Know where we can get an aluminum boat for $10? That's been established as the upper price limit. HMT321: "I shoulda got the $12 raft instead"

#12 Guest_hmt321_*

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Posted 05 October 2007 - 02:57 PM

i would spend $12.00 if the raft was aluminum.

i still think that a gear float is not a bad idea,

the bad idea was the 7 mile treck

#13 Guest_Casper Cox_*

Guest_Casper Cox_*
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Posted 05 October 2007 - 03:34 PM

Dang... that water looks clear under the raft in that pic! I bet that was taken within the first 15 minutes and well before the first snag! I coulda jumped in a couple hours later and scavenged all your abandoned gear. What a cool experience, that just might live forever in your memory, muscles and bones. I have much enjoyed reading it, my snorkel mask is off to all of you. What a neat adventure. Personally i dont think i would have made it out of there, i would still be surviving amongst the swamp critters. 7 miles sounds ok at first. Was that 7 miles as the fish swim or the crow flies! 7 miles is tough enough to hike on rocky trails without being neck deep in muck, fearing dangling snakes overhead, unseen foot snags and waterlogged gear in tow. Did anybody have a roll of duct tape?
Great trip idea... if i had been paying attention to the south trip header i might have made the drive south.
Wonderful story guys. It is under at least 3 different headers and i have searched for more. ( I especially enjoyed all your pre plans discussions where all the problems were worked out in advance :)
One of you should compile all this for an American Currents story. It's one of the best ive heard.

#14 Guest_hmt321_*

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Posted 05 October 2007 - 08:48 PM

Well if it's gonna be published in AC, I am gonna have to make up a few more real good lies.

#15 Guest_Irate Mormon_*

Guest_Irate Mormon_*
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Posted 08 October 2007 - 07:35 PM

Oh yeah, the duct tape. My first clue that something was wrong is when Harry asked me if I had any....

#16 Guest_Casper Cox_*

Guest_Casper Cox_*
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Posted 09 October 2007 - 06:23 PM

Well if it's gonna be published in AC, I am gonna have to make up a few more real good lies.

i think the truth will quite suffice in this case!
yall have teased me w/ a few lines that i dont know the outcome from. what is that about relieved to see dredcon? i thought i high tailed it out first. did he make a wrong bushwack?
i would be interested on a wade camp trip next spring. i dont wanna sleep wet or on bare ground tho amongst the creepy crawlers and slither snakes.
would an inner tube get popped? canoe bag in an inner tube would stay dry.
what an adventure!

#17 Guest_dredcon_*

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Posted 09 October 2007 - 06:35 PM

I'm not so sure about getting the P aurora. I am begining to feel the pull of that creek again after writing all week. I give it a month before I get in that creek again.

#18 Guest_teleost_*

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Posted 09 October 2007 - 07:58 PM

I (along with Casper it seems) want to know more. I love the way the story has unfolded but by golly!

Did an unexpected moonlit stream side sing along happen?

Why didn't Dredcon make it to his car and how on earth did he find you?


Don't be offended if I keep my GPS well powered and close to my chest if I ever have the chance to hang with this contingent of the catfish alliance :laugh:

#19 Guest_dredcon_*

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Posted 09 October 2007 - 08:11 PM

About noon I went ahead with Dr. Schaefer because he had to get back to Hattiesburg. We thought it was only a short walk to my car. We finally made it back to my car at about 5pm. I drove Dr. Schaeferc back to his truck then went back to where I left the river to wait for the other group. I fished until about 7:30. I only got one bite, about a 17-20 inch bass. I began to worry when it got dark. Some time around 8:00 I hear Harry yelling somewhere up the creek. I tell the to wait at the sand bar by the powerline crossing and meet them there around 8:30 with a flashlight.*

* I don't want to talk about the water moccasins, crazy trees we had to climb over and through, or the meth lab that refused my business.

#20 Guest_farmertodd_*

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Posted 09 October 2007 - 08:48 PM

I'm not so sure about getting the P aurora. I am begining to feel the pull of that creek again after writing all week. I give it a month before I get in that creek again.

The percina I see in the above picture looks like the ubiquitous, but always different, blackbanded darter, Percina nigrofasciata. I wasn't going to pitch a fit about it though :) Been nice to get one with a photo. There's nil online for aurora.


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