I am a new forum member from Manitoba, Canada, but most of my exposure to native fish was experienced at an early age in the creeks of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
I do not keep native species at this time, just six aquariums of African cichlids and catfishes. I have kept natives as a child but I fared poorly; I think my apartment was much too warm for them. I was able to keep Brown Bullheads with much success though.

The species I tried to keep were usually from Highland Creek, in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. This is a fast-flowing trout, sucker and minnow-type stream.
Anyway, I just wanted to add my $0.02 to this thread now that the school year has finished and I have more time for forum participation. Now, it's just eight hours of work per day, instead of work *and* school.
I posted some pictures in another thread of a "collecting trip" I made in 2007. I hope you guys have a chance to check out my pictures and enjoy them. See you on the forums!