I volunteered to help procure auction items this year. I shan't be attending however, so I would prefer all contributors send the goodies directly and forthwith to Charlie.
I was just digging around and found some really interesting prototype gears for Yo-yo's .I made for DOI and ACOE . We moved beyond those designs years ago and they are just sitting there idle......when they should be catching fish! ( even Collection fish, but they should be fishing none the less).
I think I'll prep the ones I think are useable for collecting and send them . So much is 12mm though, I believe this crowd likes 1/8" netting?
Hey IM,
What do you think a 60x10x6 x No.42 x 1-5/8" Sock and 4x6 sock frame would fetch? If they have any 3 lb. suckers or 2 lb. darters I'm sure it'll work! ha ha!