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what are these? can anyone confirm all 4?

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#21 Guest_sandtiger_*

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Posted 09 January 2007 - 09:30 PM

I think that just means that reports to the database are old, with no recent confirmed sightings. It does not mean the fish is no longer present. Fish listed as "historical" I would think are more likely no longer present than fish listed as "current", but either could be now present or now absent.

I suppose but Atlantic salmon are fished for quite often over here. There is also a hatchery that rears and stocks them so I doubt in this case it is due to no recent sightings, just an error on their part.
They also fail to list green sunfish in the watershed I live in (Seneca) and two other nearby watersheds. Now, while they are uncommon in NYS they do live here and in my watershed, I caught two of them last year. One is in my avatar. My point is that while the site is useful I would take it with a grain of salt, the same for most other online sources.

#22 Guest_fisgokie_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 04:17 AM

answers are....
these were found on the link that i was giving for the oklahoma are... this was the best pic i could find for #!
#1 is an orangethroat darter
#2 is a stargazer darter
#3 is a blackbanded topminnow... aka sometime of killie fish
#4is a snail darter...

all this was was for fun.. if you all think i was doing this for other reasons just dont participate next time... i just wanted to have some fun and tickle a few of you alls minds...

#23 Guest_sandtiger_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 09:46 AM

answers are....
these were found on the link that i was giving for the oklahoma are... this was the best pic i could find for #!
#1 is an orangethroat darter
#2 is a stargazer darter
#3 is a blackbanded topminnow... aka sometime of killie fish
#4is a snail darter...

all this was was for fun.. if you all think i was doing this for other reasons just dont participate next time... i just wanted to have some fun and tickle a few of you alls minds...

Number two IS NOT a stargazing darter. I don't know if you're playing some kind of joke or just honestly don't know what you're talking about. Now, I notice when you search for Percina uranidea on google you do get a picture of a walleye but if you click on the picture and it's hosting link (obviously you did not do that) you will find that the site has the picture identified as a walleye.
Here, before this goes further then it needs to look at the website again where you got the picture. http://dnr.state.il..../fish/perch.htm

#24 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 10:14 AM

here is a stargazing darter we caught at the convention last fall, sorry for the poor picture I didn't take this one.

#25 Guest_sandtiger_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 10:22 AM

Thanks SM, there is only once picture of one on the web that I know of so it's nice to see more.

#26 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 10:30 AM

Thanks, I try to get pics every trip I take but at the convention I didn't bring my own camera so I was relying on the guys that went with me except of course the fish I brought back which have been well pictured since then. I have over 1000 pictures organized by family then genus then species. I would like to get them all on the web but also need to go back through them all and put the persons name who took them on each pic along with the genus species name, that could take a long time.

#27 Guest_drewish_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 10:46 AM

Thanks, I try to get pics every trip I take but at the convention I didn't bring my own camera so I was relying on the guys that went with me except of course the fish I brought back which have been well pictured since then. I have over 1000 pictures organized by family then genus then species. I would like to get them all on the web but also need to go back through them all and put the persons name who took them on each pic along with the genus species name, that could take a long time.


Get on it! :)

#28 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 11:03 AM

I know but I would like to actually put the photographers name and the genus species on the pics since I did not take them all, I took over half probably but some have been given to me by friends of mine. My bigest problem is I have tried to do this with paint and it doesn't work to well and other than that I only have microsoft photo editor and it has no text function that I can find. I'm not a computer guy though so if that program does allow you to put in text let me know. Paint does allow you too but if I want to change from italics to regular you have to make several seperate text boxes and it's just a real pain. If anyone has any suggestions for a quick and simple way to do this let me know.

#29 Guest_ashtonmj_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 01:01 PM

here is a stargazing darter we caught at the convention last fall, sorry for the poor picture I didn't take this one.

Through the bag it is scary on first glance how much that looks like a snail darter. Boy am I glad they are hundreds of miles apart :) ...and there are probably only 3 or 4 people that have ever seen more than me.

I think Dave Neely's gallery folder has an exceptional picture of one and another Imostoma P. vigil.

Here you go...for a nice comparison to Brians picture.

Attached Files

#30 Guest_fisgokie_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 06:08 PM

oops blushes... i used this site http://www.natureser...sp?huc=11140204 to find a water source in oklahoma and it said that name.... i just assumed the pic was right.... i apologize.. i just ment fun... i dont know why u all blew up at me... im sorry and no more quizes from me... i doubt ill be back on this site again!

#31 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 10 January 2007 - 06:17 PM

no reason to leave the site, some people on here just know their stuff really well and may be quick to correct someone who may be a little less knowledgable when they make a mistake. This is not because they have something against you, don't take it that way. After all the whole purpose of this site is to share info and promote interest in our native fish. hope to see you continueing to use the site in the future.

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