I'm in the process of moving, i hope I do a better job this time with my remaining paddlefish. The new house does have room for an aquarium big enough for my paddlefish. Talking the boss into letting me build it and set it up is another thing
For those interested the paddlefish is doing well. he is eating floating Hikari pellets, ghost shrimp and guppies, one crayfish in his pool managed to survive his constant search for food and has grown large enough to be a nuisance. He doesn't seem to be able to catch rosy reds or kulli loaches. I am still enthralled by him and hope to have him in a 360 as soon as possible but for right now he is going in an outdoor vat. this time i am going to cover it with a wire screen to keep the predatory birds out. I am planning on renewing my fish breeding hobby when i get moved in, we intend to stay in this house long enough to breed some black bands and maybe redfin pickerels. Nothing more to report, life goes on