Oh baby, we gotta keep that signal to noise ratio high! And mikez is part of that signal.
guess im the noise...the only one in a year that has started ANY trip in NE. well this noise shall be silenced...
Posted 09 July 2010 - 03:28 PM
Oh baby, we gotta keep that signal to noise ratio high! And mikez is part of that signal.
Posted 09 July 2010 - 03:41 PM
This is perfect.
That YOU know of since a large majority quit posting their events and outings some time ago....the only one in a year that has started ANY trip in NE...
Posted 09 July 2010 - 04:03 PM
And please do not forget.....
Posted 09 July 2010 - 04:22 PM
Why are you asking me??? I just work with Gar, Lamprey and Mudpuppies. I do not read ID, Sunfish and Bass, or most anything on here anymore outside of anachronistic fish. Lost interest in that a long time ago.
Posted 09 July 2010 - 07:11 PM
the point is i think we are all taking this to serious. i think we have all made points about sucky content. im sure it will change. these open discussions are great for hammering out ideas. lets all not forget why we are here...the love of fish....(i hope) and the bonds we have made with each other.
Edited by schambers, 09 July 2010 - 07:12 PM.
Posted 09 July 2010 - 11:14 PM
Edited by Skipjack, 09 July 2010 - 11:24 PM.
Posted 09 July 2010 - 11:38 PM
Well we all started somewhere. We were all new, ignorant, and enthusiastic at one point in time.
I am going to use Bumpylemon as an example here. Justin is enthusiastic! He has in fact busted his butt collecting fish for me, and is in the water all the time. In a year or two he will know where to find almost every fish in his state. He will become the go to guy for finding fish in his region. I was there. You were there, we all were there. We need tolerance for newcomers that are enthusiastic. I think that can be accomplished. The problem is poor content. We have all been guilty of that as well.
That being said, I know I will get many negatives from this part of my post. NANFA can keep the forum content high quality very easily, and accomplish outreach very simply. Here is how. My outline.
First all content except for collection sites can be viewed by the general public, even the trading dock.
We have a welcome forum for guests.
We allow guests to post only in one or two forums, maybe general discussion, and ID maybe, these are only arbitrary suggestions.
Only actual paying NANFA members can post in other forums, but guests can still read them, learn from them,use the search function, and thus achieve the outreach goal. Which will keep the useless posting to a minimum. If you want the full benefit, you collect the aluminum cans to pay for the 20 bucks to be a member.
We act graciously to all newcomers who post in the available guest forums, and those who are serious enough to drop the $20 will drop the cash. The others will quickly bore with only posting in the section or two allotted them. We will need a good moderator, a patient moderator, for these sections.
This will not solve everything, there will still be some worthless post from paying members, but we can accept that, after all they have paid to post. But it will greatly cut down on it. It will also solve the "why buy the cow, when I can get the milk for free" factor. If you want all the forum benefits, you join the organization. I like AC, but really, If I had to pay 20 to use the forum, versus get AC, I would choose the forum. I hate to say it but AC is toilet reading material at best. I receive a lot of publications for possibly a slightly higher cost yearly, but the return is much better. The forum is the best tool NANFA has going. If the content keeps sliding, what is left.
Bottom line if people are expected to join NANFA to get something out of it, it ought to be good quality, if the only reason to join now is to support the organization, and get AC, why not include full forum benefits in that package. The forum quality should excel, the membership should grow, and outreach should not suffer.
The time to strike is now while the iron is hot. We know changes need to be made or we will lose old members who will only be replaced by transient MFK types who continue to degrade the content of our beloved forum.
Edit: I bet half the guys that whine about the $20 spend $5 per day on coffee, and pop. Get real. The $20 is the new $1. Membership is cheap as dirt.
Posted 10 July 2010 - 05:46 AM
Posted 10 July 2010 - 07:37 AM
Now these are just my thoughts but if the entire forum is closed with the exception of a single (or very limited) area, would Bumpy (Justin) ever have actually joined the forum?
We've always wanted to maintain an open forum and I hope to keep it that way but I guess I should ask.....does the membership want a closed forum?
Posted 10 July 2010 - 07:43 AM
Posted 10 July 2010 - 07:43 AM
Posted 10 July 2010 - 08:31 AM
Posted 10 July 2010 - 10:17 AM
Posted 10 July 2010 - 01:39 PM
Yes, those overly interested in native fish will join "no matter what".Now these are just my thoughts but if the entire forum is closed with the exception of a single (or very limited) area, would Bumpy (Justin) ever have actually joined the forum?
We've always wanted to maintain an open forum and I hope to keep it that way but I guess I should ask.....does the membership want a closed forum?
Jason, kudos to you. I think the mods need to look at this post heavily when weighing decisions.I think skipjack's idea of making the entire forum publicly searchable is a great idea with only allowing "guests" such as myself to post in a few select forums. Skipjack's idea will allow for "old members" who don't want to deal with newbies to skip over the forums reserved for "guests", and it still gives "guests" an avenue to interact with NANFA, read the board, and find the answers to questions they may have. My only concern is that there needs to be enough members to interact positively with newbies in these public forums or essentially NANFA will have 2 mutually exclusive forums, and very few guests will ever "graduate" to be a member. Guests must be greeted cheerfully in the forums they are allowed to post in while they acclimate themselves to the forum's environment. Some guests may be turned off by not being able to post everywhere or not be allowed to publicly chat on the board, but most with real native fish interest will adjust their posting to fit the forum.
Posted 10 July 2010 - 09:57 PM
We've always wanted to maintain an open forum and I hope to keep it that way but I guess I should ask.....does the membership want a closed forum?
Posted 13 July 2010 - 08:54 AM
Posted 13 July 2010 - 09:31 AM
Link to example please.i dont like this reputation system at all. its already being used unfairly. im seeing it used negatively on posts that are good posts. just because it offends someone or they dont agree with it even if doesnt require a "scientific" answer
Posted 13 July 2010 - 09:47 AM
i dont like this reputation system at all. its already being used unfairly. im seeing it used negatively on posts that are good posts. just because it offends someone or they dont agree with it even if doesnt require a "scientific" answer
Posted 13 July 2010 - 09:51 AM
That's funny because I've seen you do that same thing...
Edited by bumpylemon, 13 July 2010 - 10:11 AM.
Posted 13 July 2010 - 10:04 AM
I know! that proves my point. if someone is killing there fish I'm gonna negative mark it. if someone acts to good for someone else I'm gonna negative mark it. if someone is an A hole I'm gonna negative mark it. at the same time I positively marked things that are beneficial even if its from the same members who I've negatively marked before. i have nothing against anyone on this site.
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