for one...this thread has all kinds of -
granted some are wrong IDs...but then you have bruce going in there and not contributing at all (no offense) and he doesnt get - marked...then i edited my statement (since you cant delete a post) and changed it to PM sent and im negatively marked...whats so negative about saying PM sent lol. then Uland in another thread to ken said PM - there. so you see my point? its not across the board being applied. and when the thread starter post pics and posted what he caught and asks for an ID he is - marked. and that continues throughout that whole thread. thats when sample.
im on over 11 various forums and I've seen this rep come and go on all but 1 of them. it never lasts. i get the moderating itself thing but at the same time it's like ok people dont like a post like that then I'm not gonna bother posting at all.
i do keep hearing about the nazi mods. what was that about? i think ive seen one theard deleted here since ive been here (tglassburner situation). and maybe a few posts with swears. out of all the forums im on (phone, music, movies, downloading, fish ect)this forum has needed very little modding compared to any of them. and thats hats off to a great membership.
and now ill edit this post to point out the - in here. everything i said was true. and i showed proof.
Yup, lots of reputation activity in that topic. Probably since it became active around the time the system was also activated. As far as lots of negative marks...I'm not a mind reader but it's possible the topic is not really a trip report since no flavor is provided and might be better suited for the picture forum? Perhaps ID forum?
The comment Bruce made was funny - sort of inside forum humor. I can see why he didn't get a mark from longtime forum goers.
My "PM sent" comment without negative marks. Most people expect mods/staff to reply in this fashion so the forum community is made aware they are not or will not be ignored. Sort of common courtesy reply.
Your negative mark for "PM sent" comment ...maybe applied before you edited your post? Maybe the mark was placed since it was considered clutter. I don't see that you were called out specifically for a question in private.
Look Bumpy...You have to realize that maybe you're being singled out a bit with negative marks since you are regularly a top daily poster blowing the next person away by double or even more post counts per day. The membership here simply aren't used to that level of posting and will not likely warm up to that level of activity anytime soon. I can't change that since it's hard to post that much and keep content in kind with what people here expect.
You're right, the membership here is great and made this a great forum. NANFA members are also a rather sensitive lot and don't like us mods messing with stuff

It seems any time we "do something" we have to spend days explaining ourselves. Out of respect to the membership, we oblige. We'd rather be out fishing than explaining why we deleted a post or implemented a system to reduce clutter.