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2012 NANFA Convention in Ohio

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#1 Guest_smbass_*

  • Guests

Posted 27 January 2012 - 11:39 PM

2012 NANFA Convention
Thursday, Sept 13 – Sunday, Sept 16, 2012
Salt Fork State Park, Eastern Ohio

The 2012 NANFA convention will be hosted by the Fish Division of the Ohio State University Museum of Biodiversity (Brian Zimmerman, Justin Baker, Marc Kibbey). The convention will be held at scenic Salt Fork State Park at their lodge and conference center. This is Ohio's largest state park and is located conveniently near the intersection of Interstates 70 and 77 for those who will be arriving by road. For those who fly in there are large airports in Cleveland OH (118 miles 2hr 4min), Columbus OH (94 miles 1hr 47min), or Pittsburg PA (96 miles 1hr 48min).

The convention will begin on Thursday Sept 13th 2012 and go through Sunday the 16th. We are planning to have a group field trip on Thursday that will not start until mid-day for those that arrive that morning. We are hopeful we will line up demonstrations of electrofishing and trawling on the Muskingum River (Ohio's largest inland River) below one of the large dams on this river. We will also have large seines available for use. Friday we will hold the talks and the banquet at the lodge. The meal will be catered by the lodge and menu is yet to be determined. A second group field trip on the Walhonding River with the option to canoe a stretch of the river with stops for sampling will be on Saturday. If you don't like the idea of being in a boat an alternative route along the river allowing you to stop at several sites will be available. Saturday evening after everyone returns from the Walhonding we will hold the annual auction. If you have items you would like to donate for the auction please let us know! We will conclude the event on Sunday with more traditional collecting trips with group leaders to some of the more unique and diverse localities in the state. More details on exactly what you have a chance to catch or view on each trip will be coming soon. For now some of my favorite Ohio species that you should have a high probability of catching include but certainly are not limited to… Bluebreast Darter, Variegate Darter, Rainbow Darter, Slenderhead Darter, Gravel Chub, Streamline Chub, Bigeye Chub, Redside Dace, Southern Redbelly Dace, Orangespotted Sunfish, Central Longear Sunfish and many more!

For those who may be travelling with you and not so interested in fish… There is plenty to do at this rather large state park. There is a golf course, miniature golf, plenty of games in the basement of the lodge, indoor pool (outdoor pool will be closed for the season at this time of year), boat rentals, lots of hiking trails, and a beach on the lake. For more about the park here is the website… http://www.saltforkstateparklodge.com/

To reserve your lodging call 1-800-AT-A-PARK (282-7275). It is VERY IMPORTANT that you mention that you are with NANFA. We have to have 60 total room/night rentals (at least 20 rooms or cabins for 3 nights) to get the conference facilities at no charge. You also won't get the group rate if you don't mention you are with NANFA. Our block of rooms and cabins reserved for the conference will NO LONGER BE RESERVED AFTER AUGUST 12th 2012, so get your room or cabin early or you may have to stay elsewhere because this is a very busy time of year at this lodge.

Lodging options are as follows…

Lodge Rooms all $115 per night regardless of bed configuration:

  • 1 King Bed
  • 2 Double Beds
  • 2 Double Beds and set of bunk beds (2 more small beds)

Hillside Cabins are $165 a night. These are a short walk up the hill to the lodge where the talks and banquet will be held. They are also right next to the lake if you want to do some extra collecting (there are orangespotted sunfish in the lake)…

These have 2 bedrooms one with a single Queen sized bed and one with 2 sets of bunk beds (4 beds). There also is a living room with a couch and a full kitchen.

You can have up to 4 people in the lodge rooms and 6 in the cabins. That works out to be $28.75 or $27.50 per night respectively if you plan to share and fill a room or cabin.

There are rooms reserved for both Wednesday evening the 12th and Sunday evening the 16th for those who want to be there the night before or stay over after that last collecting trip.

There is also camping available in another part of the park, for rates and availability go here… http://www.dnr.state...85/Default.aspx

Conference Registration…

What do you get for your registration fee?

You get access to 2 full day and 1 half day guided field trips, full day of native fish related talks from professionals and native fish hobbyist followed by a Friday night banquet at the lodge with the keynote speaker(yet to be determined), and access to the annual auction on Saturday evening. On top of this there will be a hospitality suite open each evening for people to gather and socialize. This truly is a one of a kind experience where professionals and hobbyist mingle and mix allowing for good conversation and unique perspectives on the conservation and captive care of our wonderful North American native fish fauna!

Regular non-student

Before August 12th will be $75
After August 12th including upon arrival will be $95

Spouse registration will be $35

Student registration

Before August 12th will be $35
After August 12th including upon arrival will be $55

Friday talks and banquet only, no field trips $50
This option only available until August 12th

Friday talks only $20 regardless of date or at the door

Speakers FREE if they do not plan to stay for the banquet

If they do plan to stay for the banquet $20 For presenters of posters regular fees apply

Questions about the event, please contact Brian Zimmerman (smbass444@yahoo.com or 330-417-9476).

Call for Presenters for the 2012 NANFA Convention at Salt Fork State Park Lodge and Conference Center near Cambridge Ohio September 12-16th

We are looking for both speakers and poster presentations for the 2012 NANFA convention. All speaking presentations will be on Friday the 14th of September between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm. Time of poster session yet to be determined and may be on Thursday the 13th or Saturday the 15th. If too many speakers volunteer then they may be asked to present a poster instead because slots for talks will be limited. Topics should be related to North American native fish species, habitats, captive care, propagation, management, conservation, and preferentially about non-game species. Lengths of talks may vary to accommodate a wide variety of topics. Presenters can range from experienced professionals, students, and hobbyist. NANFA is a very diverse group which is one of the organizations greatest strengths so don't be afraid to present no matter what your level of expertise. If you are interested in presenting please contact Brian Zimmerman (smbass444@yahoo.com or 330-417-9476).

#2 Guest_smbass_*

  • Guests

Posted 28 January 2012 - 11:55 PM

Here are some photos of a few species you have a good chance at seeing at the convention...

Attached File  Male Bluebreast2.JPG   143.11KB   27 downloads
Male Bluebreast Darter Etheostoma camurum

Attached File  Male Bluebreast Darter Wakatomika Creek 16JUN2010 by BZ.JPG   108.08KB   34 downloads
Male Bluebreast Darter Etheostoma camurum

Attached File  Male Redside Dace Macochee Creek 8jun11 by BZ.JPG   50.09KB   35 downloads
Male Redside Dace Clinostomus elongatus

Attached File  Male Variegate Darter2 from Big Darby Creek 10APR2009 by BZ.jpg   125.98KB   39 downloads
Male Variegate Darter Etheostoma variatum

#3 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 04 February 2012 - 02:30 PM

The NANFA website has been updated with this announcement and a link that allows you to register on-line!


I just signed up to be there... I am convention attendee number one... join us in Ohio this September!
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#4 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 10:37 AM

You will need to get an Ohio Fishing License if you plan to collect fish during the field trips. Ohio allows for the take of non-game and non-protected species with use of an 8ftx4ft or smaller minnow seine. For full regulations and license information go to the Ohio Division of Wildlife website… http://ohiodnr.com/H...18/Default.aspx

Note: There are some pending changes to the state list of protected species that should be revised before the convention. Most notably the bluebreast darter Etheostoma camurum will be coming off the list and the Iowa darter Etheostoma exile will become Endangered. Most other changes will not affect what can be legally collected. I spoke with the person in charge of this last week and he assured me these changes will be official by September.

#5 Guest_schambers_*

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Posted 06 February 2012 - 03:44 PM

I am excited to finally get to go to a NANFA convention! I can't wait!

#6 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 07 February 2012 - 12:38 PM

We plan to show this video and have the film maker at the convention to speak about the making of the film... Link

#7 Guest_VicC_*

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Posted 23 March 2012 - 04:17 PM

Ohio Fishing License
non-protected species

What does 'protected' mean?

I searched the link you provided and the forum state laws posts.

So Ohio has 6 categories of protected life. I can find a description of
which species are on each list
a general description of why the species is on the list
how the law protects these fish.

54 species of fish are listed at risk in Ohio.

What does each level mean in terms of legal protection.

Please help.

#8 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 27 March 2012 - 08:39 PM

Alligator gar? Really? Blue pike is probably long gone from the Great Lakes. And others, like blue sucker, you would need specialized boats to net assuming there's viable river habitat left in Ohio after the last 200 years of systematic destruction of aquatic ecosystems.

#9 Guest_smbass_*

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Posted 30 March 2012 - 04:05 PM

Do not let the state list give you any reason not to come. We are planning out the collecting trips very well and you will be made aware of any species that are protected that you may encounter. There are also several proposed changes to the list that I have been told will be complete before the convention takes place. This comes directly from the man in charge of the state list... Most important of those changes concerning the convention is that the Bluebreast Darter Etheostoma camurum will be off the list entirely. This is something long over due for those who are not up to date on the status of that species in Ohio, they are quite abundant now days and far from need of protection.

And to Bruce... Yes we had aligator gar in the Ohio River at one time but they are long gone, Blue Pike are extinct, and I'm hoping to show off some blue suckers at the electrofishing demonstration on Thursday. They are still here and expanding their distribution in the state. They are slated for a change on the list too but not comming off so it will be entirely show, photo, and release if we are able to come across a couple.

#10 Guest_fundulus_*

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Posted 31 March 2012 - 01:13 PM

Now I know, I had thought in my simple way that alligator gars had only been as far north as the southern tip of Illinois. People at the convention should definitely keep an eye out for them (!).

#11 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 03 April 2012 - 11:02 AM

Just wanted to clean up some of this discussion and keep it simple.

NANFA is fully supportive of local laws and has every intention and will make every effort to following local laws in all that we do.

In general, protected means that we should not collect any, so we will not do so unless there are individuals that have special collecting permits.
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#12 Guest_farmertodd_*

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 01:20 PM

If it is Endangered, Threatened or Special Concern and you are found with it in your possession, you will get a fine of $250-1000 per violation, depending on the status of the animal.

If it's is Extirpated or Extinct, there's not much to discuss there, is there?

The only thing that is gray is "Special Interest", as there is no lawful protection. However, ethically, if it's in decline, I'm sure the regulators who are reading this would sure appreciate it if you weren't selfish enough to take it home. There are plenty of other inspiring common animals among the other ~100 species of fish common in the waters of Ohio to enjoy.

Now can we move on please?


#13 Guest_mdwalt1_*

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Posted 03 April 2012 - 04:02 PM

Salt Fork State Park Lodge and Conference Center looks like an excellent location for this year's convention. I will have to give this one some major consideration.

#14 Guest_jblaylock_*

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Posted 23 May 2012 - 12:50 PM

Any updates on speakers/presentations or any more on the schedule of events?

I'm looking forward to the convention again this year, I haven't registered yet, but have already taken those days off work.

#15 Guest_scottsquatch_*

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Posted 02 June 2012 - 04:01 PM

Not sure where I should post this, so any mods please feel free to put it in a better spot. Anyway, I am interested in going to the convention but am looking for anybody else that needs to keep things "on the cheap" and would perhaps like to share lodging. Anybody who is interested, PM me. Thanks.


#16 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 22 June 2012 - 04:05 PM

Check out the new Convention Schedule on the NANFA webpage...

go directly to the Schedule

http://www.nanfa.org... Schedule.shtml

or re-fresh your memory about the Convention in general


where you can also find a link to the schedule

Brian's got some good stuff planned for us. Time to register!

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#17 Guest_Johnstone_*

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Posted 30 June 2012 - 12:51 AM

Just my luck. I got a speeding ticket this week,
and I thought I posted here but must have goofed up
again. Well, I don't want to goof up while I am fishing in Ohio. Salt Fork State Park seems off-limits to seines because it is special fishing regulations for water areas owned or controlled by the division of wildlife. Where will the conventioneers be fishing in state water?

#18 Guest_Skipjack_*

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Posted 30 June 2012 - 05:46 AM

The original post in this thread runs down the itinerary.

#19 Guest_Johnstone_*

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Posted 03 July 2012 - 11:34 PM

This will be my first convention. What about cleaning equipment? I don't want to bring Zebra Mussels home. I have neoprene felt soled waders and a perfect dipnet.

#20 Guest_Johnstone_*

  • Guests

Posted 11 July 2012 - 03:56 PM

On the ODNR site, I found this about aquatic nuisance species:

"Rinse and dry equipment, boats and trailers for five days.
Before reuse, roll out, hand clean and dry nets for ten days"

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