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#181 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 13 February 2019 - 08:32 PM

welcome rangerjoe.  there is nothing better than hyper local native tanks!  I hope that you have great success with your park tank.  I have some experience with keeping a public tank at a local nature center with fish that we have collected within a mile and a half of the nature center.  It takes some work, but its worth it.

Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#182 DaveW

  • NANFA Member

Posted 27 July 2019 - 08:09 PM


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#183 DaveW

  • NANFA Member

Posted 27 July 2019 - 08:16 PM


I've lurked on the NANFA site off and on for a while, finally joined. Though I live in Idaho now, I'm deeply imprinted on the biota of the southeastern forests, having grown up in the Shawnee Hills of southern Illinois. Grew up mostly on Little Grassy State Fish Hatchery, where my dad was the lead fish culturist for Illinois. Somehow I got sidetracked from snakes onto birds and became an ornithologist by profession--but with a continual closet interest in the small stream fishes my dad introduced me to. For years, whenever I go back there, I bring home some darters and such for my tanks at home. I just now did my near-annual trip back to southern Illinois to visit my brother, and did some snorkeling in the Missouri Ozarks--a life-changing experience.


I think I just posted (separately, by accident) a photo of a minnow from Hutchins Creek, in Union County, Illinois. Can anyone identify it for me? Also, is it likely I snorkeled with schools of the same species in the Current River watershed in SE Missouri?


Thanks much!

Dave W.

#184 Matt DeLaVega

Matt DeLaVega
  • Forum Staff
  • Ohio

Posted 28 July 2019 - 10:57 AM

Hey Dave. Glad you decided to become a member. I have been to Hutchins creek, and might be able to help, but I don't see the post. Try again if you don't mind. Put it in the ID subforum for others to see as well in case I can't help. What a beautiful and diverse area Shawnee is. And Hutchins creek, wow.

The member formerly known as Skipjack

#185 DaveW

  • NANFA Member

Posted 28 July 2019 - 06:35 PM

Hi Matt,

Thanks for your response. Well, I'm afraid to post the photo to the I.D. forum, as I took the photos when I got the fish home with me (there were hundreds of them, so I didn't think it was something of special conservation concern). I'll attach the photo here for you to inspect. I have tentatively identified it as a Bleeding Shiner, although Phil Smith's Fishes of Illinois doesn't list it for the state. But it's apparently just across the river in Missouri.

I look forward to your thoughts on it.


Dave W.



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#186 Matt DeLaVega

Matt DeLaVega
  • Forum Staff
  • Ohio

Posted 28 July 2019 - 11:26 PM

Yes, you are correct. Only stream in Illinois as far as I know. I don't know if they are a bait bucket release or what their origin is, but Hutchins is the right habitat. It really is an Ozark type stream.

The member formerly known as Skipjack

#187 DaveW

  • NANFA Member

Posted 29 July 2019 - 07:57 AM

Thanks, Matt.

Yes, Hutchins is extremely similar to so many Ozark streams.

I have photos of two other minnow spp, but it will be a few days before I can send them, as we are trying to get out on a camping trip for a few days.

#188 Josh Blaylock

Josh Blaylock
  • Board of Directors
  • Central Kentucky

Posted 14 August 2019 - 03:45 PM

Hey everyone, 


I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm really glad I stopped procrastinating and finally joined NANFA. I've been interested in native fish for well over a decade now. Whenever I have some down time, I love to explore Maryland's mountain streams and tidal marshes. I'm in the process of setting up an aquarium at the park I work at to hopefully bring attention to some of our states non-game fish. 



Setting up an aquarium is a great way to educate people about native fishes and their importance.  Kudos. 

Josh Blaylock - Central KY
NANFA on Facebook


I hope to have God on my side, but I must have Kentucky.

- Abraham Lincoln, 1861

#189 roughfish drew

roughfish drew
  • NANFA Guest
  • Minnesota

Posted 10 September 2019 - 10:32 PM

Hello everyone, 
My name is Drew Geving, and I became a NANFA member this past Spring.  I think all fish are awesome.  Over the years I have kept quite a few native fish in aquariums and done some field sampling here and there, but I am an angler first and foremost. I have enjoyed angling for cool native fish in my region since I was a little kid. My favorite fish is probably one of the redhorses but it's too hard to choose which one...

#190 Matt DeLaVega

Matt DeLaVega
  • Forum Staff
  • Ohio

Posted 11 September 2019 - 05:11 AM

Welcome aboard Drew. Very cool photo. What species is that? River or shorthead? I have never caught a redhorse via angling. Something I should try.

The member formerly known as Skipjack

#191 roughfish drew

roughfish drew
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  • Minnesota

Posted 11 September 2019 - 08:58 AM

Thanks for the welcome, Matt!  This is a river redhorse.

#192 DissidentMantis

  • NANFA Guest
  • Illinois

Posted 08 October 2019 - 04:44 PM

Hello all,


I am an Aquarist, researcher and angler.  I just joined NANFA and the forum today.  Looking forward to learning as much as I can about North American native fish.  I enjoy fishing and collecting photographs of fish and I am a species hunter.  I do have a 75 gallon planted tank with a few Centrarchidae, however, I am mainly interested in catching and documenting as many North American fish species as possible.

#193 Josh Blaylock

Josh Blaylock
  • Board of Directors
  • Central Kentucky

Posted 08 October 2019 - 04:46 PM

Hello all,
I am an Aquarist, researcher and angler.  I just joined NANFA and the forum today.  Looking forward to learning as much as I can about North American native fish.  I enjoy fishing and collecting photographs of fish and I am a species hunter.  I do have a 75 gallon planted tank with a few Centrarchidae, however, I am mainly interested in catching and documenting as many North American fish species as possible.

Welcome to the forum!

Sent from my ONEPLUS 5 using Tapatalk

Josh Blaylock - Central KY
NANFA on Facebook


I hope to have God on my side, but I must have Kentucky.

- Abraham Lincoln, 1861

#194 Poncho

  • NANFA Guest
  • Pennsylvania

Posted 07 September 2020 - 03:52 PM

I'm a fairly new member of the site and I don't remember if I've ever introduced myself, but here I am and hello to everyone.

#195 Michael Wolfe

Michael Wolfe
  • Board of Directors
  • North Georgia, Oconee River Drainage

Posted 07 September 2020 - 06:42 PM

Welcome Poncho
Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. - Benjamin Franklin

#196 Chasmodes

  • NANFA Member
  • Central Maryland

Posted 08 September 2020 - 07:44 PM

Welcome Poncho from PA!!!

Kevin Wilson

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