125 gallon native tank
#21 Guest_pmk00001_*
Posted 22 February 2009 - 06:49 AM
#22 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 22 February 2009 - 09:13 PM
Great shots!! That's a nice Bluegill and Green Sunfish you have there! Awesome!
Brian J. Torreano - Owner
American Native Fish for
your aquarium...and more!
Web: http://www.btdarters.com
Email: bt@btdarters.com
Phone: (262) 268-7489
Thanks...... I would like to add three good size perch as soon as I can find them...
#23 Guest_bart_*
Posted 22 February 2009 - 09:29 PM
#24 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 24 February 2009 - 12:29 PM
That is a great looking setup. The flow of drift wood and plants you have through the tank is nicely laid out. Natural but aesthetically pleasing. As for the perch, I'm right there with you. I have been wanting some for quite a while now. How do your green and bluegill get along? That green looks mean.
Thanks for the comments.... The green sunfish and the bluegill have certian areas of the tank that they stay in..... the bluegill dominates most of the tank.... really the only time they get close to eachother is when I feed..... I am sure the agression will calm down once I get more fish in the tank...... I did notice today that I have a large crayfish living in the tank..... when the light came on this am he was sitting in the front of the tank...... I have been feeding live crayfish about once a month..... and it has survived at least three weeks now...... it is amazing how fast the crayfish grows.... all of the crayfish I have been adding have been under 1.5 inches...... this guy is about 4 inches now.......what a nice surprise......
#25 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 17 March 2009 - 02:35 PM
Edited by joshuapope2001, 17 March 2009 - 02:38 PM.
#26 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 26 May 2009 - 05:34 PM
4 yellow perch
1 pumpkin seed
1 pumpkin seed/bluegill cross
2 bull head catfish
I found one of the perch dead this am...He was looking pretty rough and did not think he was going to make it.... So now I am down to three.....but hey thats ok.....I have way too many fish in the tank as it it.....
Here are some pics I took last night after I got everyone in the tank....
#27 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 26 May 2009 - 05:36 PM
#28 Guest_SloughShark_*
Posted 26 May 2009 - 08:58 PM
#29 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 26 May 2009 - 09:13 PM
Looks amazing
Thanks.....I fear I have too many fish in this tank....So I am looking into getting a 220 gallon
#30 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 17 June 2009 - 11:39 PM
Edited by joshuapope2001, 17 June 2009 - 11:40 PM.
#31 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 17 June 2009 - 11:42 PM
#32 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 29 June 2009 - 06:37 PM
#33 Guest_SleepyLelouch_*
Posted 29 June 2009 - 07:23 PM
#34 Guest_smilingfrog_*
Posted 30 June 2009 - 02:25 AM
I am sad to report that I lost the Bluegill/Pumpkin\Seed Hybrid and the Pumpkin Seed to a strange chemical explosion....I am not sure what chemical got into the tank but within 4 hours the tank was so cloudy I could hardly see through it....I did a 50% water change when I returned home and a double dose of Prime. I have also been pounding the tank with my hurricane air pump....the tank is now crystal clear and I have lost no other fish.....I am wondering if someone in the house was using air freshner or something......I am planning on collecting more sunfish after I return from my China trip......I will keep you all posted......
Sorry to hear that you lost some of your fishes. Was your filter working through all of this? I ask because it sounds quite similar to something that happened to my tank several months ago, minus the fish dying.
I had neglected topping off my 75 gallon tank for awhile so the water level was a little lower than usual. One night I was watching a movie, and the filter was making a lot of noise as the water level was a little low. I figured things would be fine for a couple hours and unplugged the filter so I could watch the movie without the waterfall noise in the background. Well when the movie ended I forgot to plug the filter back in. A couple hours later when I came back in the room to feed the fish, I was horrified to find the water was now a milky white color, and I couldn't see through the tank. The water had been crystal clear when I shut off the filter. I quickly plugged the filter back in and added some water to help it get primed. I thought surely I would lose some fish, but the next morning all the fish were okay, and the water was crystal clear again. I couldn't believe how much and how quickly it changed without the filter running and how quickly it recovered when the filter was turned on again.
#35 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 30 June 2009 - 11:06 AM
#36 Guest_Irate Mormon_*
Posted 30 June 2009 - 10:47 PM
I am sad to report that I lost the Bluegill/Pumpkin\Seed Hybrid and the Pumpkin Seed to a strange chemical explosion....I am not sure what chemical got into the tank but within 4 hours the tank was so cloudy I could hardly see through it....I did a 50% water change when I returned home and a double dose of Prime. I have also been pounding the tank with my hurricane air pump....the tank is now crystal clear and I have lost no other fish.....I am wondering if someone in the house was using air freshner or something......I am planning on collecting more sunfish after I return from my China trip......I will keep you all posted......
I have had this happen too. I blamed it on a commercial carbon cartridge that I had just changed. I lost everything, including an Archerfish I was very fond of. Also my Malaysian Trumpet Snails. Whatever caused the reaction it was wickedly toxic.
#37 Guest_BTDarters_*
Posted 01 July 2009 - 01:31 AM
Those are great looking fish, and a great looking tank! Sorry to hear that you lost some of the fish. Hopefully you'll be able to find out what happened, so it doesn't happen again. Again, great pics!
#38 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 01 July 2009 - 11:20 AM
I have had this happen too. I blamed it on a commercial carbon cartridge that I had just changed. I lost everything, including an Archerfish I was very fond of. Also my Malaysian Trumpet Snails. Whatever caused the reaction it was wickedly toxic.
Come to think of it I did change the carbon before I left the house....I rinsed it like usual under tap water.....but I have never seen carbon do this before.....Then again I did use a cheaper brand that I usually use.......
#39 Guest_joshuapope2001_*
Posted 01 July 2009 - 11:22 AM
I have been trying to improve my photography skills.....I have to say it is much easier shooting Marine Fish than Freshwater Fish......I have been pondering taking a photography class......I just wish the local community university was not so expensive.......
#40 Guest_BTDarters_*
Posted 01 July 2009 - 06:09 PM
......I just wish the local community university was not so expensive.......
I understand. Are there any on-line courses that you could take? I imagine that there have to be some free tutorials out there somewhere.
Brian J. Torreano - Owner
American Native Fish for
your aquarium...and more!
Web: http://www.btdarters.com
Email: bt@btdarters.com
Phone: (262) 268-7489
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