Okay, I've been watching them a lot and here's what I think. I think the females can be shiny blue. Here's a group photo of some of the Elassoma gilberti having a party in the Cabomba caroliniana. See the submissive male? He looks different than the rest of them. And some of the females are kind of shiny. Actually, nearly all of the females have some degree of blue shine on them.
cabomba party resize.jpg 256.65KB
http://gallery.nanfa... party.jpg.html
Here's a close up on a fish that is very, very shiny. I think it's female.
resize.jpg 161.77KB
Here's a photo snapped immediately before without flash. Without flash you can't see hardly any shine on it.
without flash.jpg 137.32KB
http://gallery.nanfa...l size.jpg.html
That last photo reminds me; the blackworms are basically gone and have been for a couple weeks, since that post where I said I did an emergency water change because the blackworms were writhing in pain after I added a small dose of anti-algae medicine. I don't plan to restock them until after I move to my summer housing in late May. My plan is to sell off the clams before I move (anyone want any?) and dose the tank to a high degree with this anti-algae stuff. I tested it out on the 10 gallon tank and found it to be effective at killing the cladophora that's been plaguing me for over a year. The anti-algae chemicals would kill any invertebrates anyway (ha ha, leeches, die), as would the move, so it doesn't make any sense to spend $25 to restock the blackworms again until after the move and the chemical dosing. I'm feeding the fish twice a day with crushed fish flakes until then. I think that's why the shiny fish pictured above is a bit skinny.

The majority of everybody's still fat and healthy, so I'm going ahead with the plan.
Oh, and I haven't been feeding microworms for the past couple weeks because I'm not trying to keep the young alive; any young born the month before the move wouldn't be big enough to see, catch, and transport anyway. There's probably going to be a massive die off among the young when I move. I'm going to bag the filter media, bag the plants, bag all the fish I can find, drain the tank, remove the substrate, and transport the tank completely dry. *sighs* Oh joy. I get to move this tank twice before August. yay.
Edited by EricaWieser, 21 April 2011 - 07:15 PM.