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Bluefin Killies at the Pet Shop

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#61 Guest_TreyBell_*

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Posted 19 March 2007 - 11:30 AM

cleaned up... back on topic please

Thank you! 2 thumbs up for the admin/moderator team.


#62 Guest_ipchay61_*

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 05:32 AM

These latest bluefin killies that I've gotten seem to be more aggressive than I've noticed before. They pursue the banded pygmy sunfish in the tank with them, almost like they're curious about them because the zonatum are different. I've never seen this before....has anyone else? Fish prejudice?

#63 Guest_30reefer_*

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 06:40 AM

These latest bluefin killies that I've gotten seem to be more aggressive than I've noticed before. They pursue the banded pygmy sunfish in the tank with them, almost like they're curious about them because the zonatum are different. I've never seen this before....has anyone else? Fish prejudice?

the bluefin killies killier gave me are starting to go after my german blueram and in killiers old tank they chased around his blakstripe topminnows

#64 Guest_fisgokie_*

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 12:27 PM

the bluefin killies killier gave me are starting to go after my german blueram and in killiers old tank they chased around his blakstripe topminnows

they were crazy enough to go after blue rams? thats nuts... maybe they are wanting to spawn but are being territorial?

#65 Guest_ipchay61_*

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 01:04 PM

These latest bluefin killies that I've gotten seem to be more aggressive than I've noticed before. They pursue the banded pygmy sunfish in the tank with them, almost like they're curious about them because the zonatum are different. I've never seen this before....has anyone else? Fish prejudice?

LOL...I did a little experiment last night. After I had fed them a cube of bloodworms, I pointed a red laser pointer into the tank and all of the bluefin started chasing the dot. Their bellies were full so it wasn't because they were hungry. The reacted to the dot, the same way they act toward the zonatum.

They keep their distance from the golden topminnows though. Move away when one comes near.

#66 Guest_nativeplanter_*

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Posted 20 March 2007 - 01:46 PM

LOL...I did a little experiment last night. After I had fed them a cube of bloodworms, I pointed a red laser pointer into the tank and all of the bluefin started chasing the dot. Their bellies were full so it wasn't because they were hungry. The reacted to the dot, the same way they act toward the zonatum.

They keep their distance from the golden topminnows though. Move away when one comes near.

I've gotten a lot of fish to follow the glowing dot...

#67 Guest_nativecajun_*

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Posted 22 March 2007 - 08:32 AM

Hey, found this topic pretty interesting. Nativecajun, did you pick up the bluefins locally; I've been keeping my eye out at several of the fish shops around Chattanooga but haven't seen them. If you did get them locally, where abouts did you pick them up (if you don't mind)?

Fish Mania in Eastridge Tennessee. Pretty much Chattanooga. From 75 go down ringold road west and just after you pass Moore road the store is on the south side of the road. The owner is Carl. He spells it different than this but I do not know it. But if you say Carl he will answer. Real nice person. I like supporting private owned fish stores. He has a nice one. Clean tanks and he seems to find the better quality fish somehow. He gets these blue fins in with the "ghost" shrimp. Grass shrimp from Florida. The other person that works there said they get them mostly in the winter. I think their shipments come in on thursdays so that is a good time to check. I will send you a PM with some other info.


#68 Guest_fishyz_*

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Posted 24 March 2007 - 12:36 PM

The was a meeting for the local fish club I'm a member of and befor it started I was looking around at the store it was at and found one tank with a bluefin in it. It was in a tank with 3 galaxy rasboras and a handfull of white halfbeaks. I couldn't find a pricetag for the killie though. :cry:

#69 Guest_fuzzyletters_*

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Posted 31 July 2007 - 04:54 PM

I bought 3 today from my lfs as well... weird :S

BTW, how do you sex them?

#70 Guest_drewish_*

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Posted 31 July 2007 - 06:00 PM

From USGS :

Posted Image

Males are colored up, while females aren't

#71 Guest_fuzzyletters_*

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Posted 31 July 2007 - 07:24 PM

thanks a lot

#72 Guest_fishyz_*

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Posted 01 August 2007 - 02:44 PM

I want killies. :cry:

#73 Guest_killier_*

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Posted 01 August 2007 - 03:57 PM

I've got an extra pair of bluefins pm me if you want um

#74 Guest_haruspicator_*

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Posted 21 September 2007 - 03:44 PM

Here in Vegas I've seen Spotted Sunfish, Bluefin Killies, Seminole Killies, Heterandias, Flagfish, and Swamp darters. All with Ghost Shrimp. Also a big variety of Gambusia and Poecilids. An occasional cichlid, crayfish, or tilapia end up there too, but the owners dispose of those when they see them. Lots of cool insects also, such as water scorpions. The killies usually are full of ich, it must be tough to get shipped cross country in a bag full of shrimp.


#75 Guest_fishlvr_*

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Posted 21 September 2007 - 08:37 PM

We get all three morphs here. The coloration that I'm refering to is mostly only on the anal fin although occasionally it can be seen on the dorsal. Blue is by far the most common with red being second and finally yellow in third. Out of a hundred males (no, I didn't count, this is more of an estimation) we probably see one or two yellows and ten to fifteen reds. Have caught all three in one dip before though so in my experience, the colors aren't location specific.

I have one that has yellow on the dorsal, with red and black lining the dorsal and anal fins and red at the base of the caudal, along with the regular blue on what's left of the dorsal and anal fins.

#76 Guest_FrostBite_*

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Posted 29 September 2007 - 07:31 PM

Hey saw this conversation goin and count resit contributing cause tonight my dad (seanmc) managed to bring home some form of darter that the local lfs gave to him for free which was pretty cool, judging from everyone else experience looks like it is probably a swamp darter will be posting pics soon enough for a positive id and from now on i will be keeping an eye on all ghost shrimp shipements becaus besides that darter i have seen blue fins and mosquitos and the odd flagfish and it looks like this might be the only way for me to legaly aquira some of these fish:P

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